Signs of candida, fungal, and sulfur overgrowth

Signs of candida, fungal, and sulfur overgrowth

Fungal foods

Most people walking around on this planet have fungal issues because their addicted to fungal promoting foods such as your cheeses and starches. Fungus craves cheese and bread, and this is the very food that human beings are highly addicted to. The food industry is definitely putting their money down on advertising and marketing foods such as pizza, and every other food you could think of that has extra cheese added. These foods are pleasure foods, and they do taste good to most people. Cheese not only is a fungal promoting food, that feeds candida, but also produces a chemical called casomorphins that’s similar to actual morphin, which means it’s physically addicting. When you remove these addictive foods, the candida in your body is also going to go through physical withdrawals, because it’s a physical organism. This is why you crave these foods so much, and have a hard time giving them up. Fungus also craves starch, that’s why bread is another highly addicted food, but it’s also an anti -nutrient, filled with phytic acid, and a neurotoxin as well. The main reason why candida thrives on these foods is because bread and cheese is most likely going to cause fermentation in the body, and a lot of these foods are already fermented in the first place, and it’s the fermentation of sugars, fats, snd protiens, that causes candida overgrowth in the body. But just by removing bread and cheese, is not going to get to the root of the problem, because fungus will feed on any complex sugar. You need to give up cooked complex carbohydrates if you suspect you have a fungal issue. Complex carbohydrates are very high in sugar, and cooking them, and also adding fats to them will make it very difficult to get rid of fungus, versus a fruit and vegetable based diet, that will create alkalinity, hydration, and remove fungus from the body rather than contributing on to it.

Sulfur proliferate with fungus

For those that have a lot of sulfur that’s stagnant in their body, also have high candida problems. Sulfur and fungus feed on each other, and exacerbate candida symptoms. If you have taken lots of antibiotic drugs, sulfa drugs, supplements, and eat a lot of foods that are high in Sulfur, you most likely have a lot of gas, feel bloated, have brain fog, blurry vision, dizziness, poor digestion, and just a lot of uncomfortable symptoms in the GI tract. A good way to find out if you have high sulfur in your body, is to look at your eyes, and you will notice orange building up around the iris in color, this means you have a high amount of sulfur in your body. When you start detoxing on fruits and vegetables, and you use astringent herbs to pull this sulfur out of the body, you will notice this orange in your eyes start to fade, as well as find orange bowel movements, very orange and dark urine, that smells like rotten eggs, this is the body getting rid of the sulfur, which is a good thing, because you don’t want sulfur in your body when you have lots of fungal issues, this will only make your candida problem 10 times harder to get rid of. If your having trouble getting rid of candida, on a fruit based diet along with herbal botanicals that are anti-parasitic, but also have high sulfur in your body, I would highly recommend going on a solid food vacation, or eat very astringent fruits, and take herbs that are known to pull sulfur out of your body, and also work on your adrenal glands in the process, and get your kidneys to filter, so that you could remove acids to bring more hydration and alkalinity to your body to wear these microbes, parasites, fungus and Sulfur cannot thrive, because the body will go on and heal itself when you bring hydration and alkalinity to the cells. Sulfur is like a super glue like substance, that sticks to the GI tract mainly in the small bowel and transverse colon, this could also block nutrition from entering the cells and usually those that have malabsorption also have high sulfur in their body.

Also usually those that have rheumatoid arthritis have this orange color in their eyes, and also have high sulfur in their bodies, it’s quite possible that sulfur is so acidic, that it causes arthritis to occur in the body. Sulfur is very difficult to pull out of the body, and in my opinion you can’t do it on fruits and vegetables alone, you need the power of herbal botanicals, as well as going on citrus juice fast, and using enemas with lemon juice to help pull this stubborn sticky glue-like substance out of the bowels. You could also use large amounts of bentonite clay, and charcoal, but I personally try to stay away from the more inorganic remedies, and stick to the astringent herbs, that are known to pull obstructions out of the GI tract, and also to remove the stagnant acid in the lymphatic system such as the lymphatic herbs, and the aggressive astringent pulling fruits to do this. If you get rid of sulfur, and you clean up your diet, by adopting a 100% raw food diet, high in juicy fruits, such as the subacid, / acid fruit varieties, and you stay on this path and lifestyle long enough, you will pull out sulfur and fungus quite effectively, it just may take some time depending on how much sulfur you have in your body, and how much antibiotics you have used over the years they created this problem.

Weak adrenal glands create fungal overgrowth in the body

The adrenal glands are responsible for the utilization of carbohydrates. So when you’re not metabolizing sugars, what happens is, the body will ferment the sugars in the foods because theur not being metabolized properly. You need to bring more activity and function to the adrenal glands, in order to get proper utilization of carbohydrates, so that fermentation doesn’t take place when you eat them, candida feeds on fermentation of sugars not sugars themselves. Unfortunately even the simple sugar found in fruits have been given a bad rap to cause candida, and this is just a silly myth, because candida and parasites do not like fruit sugar, they like the fermentation of fruit sugar. When your metabolizing your sugar properly, especially with raw living foods like fruits, you will get rid of candida fairly quickly. You want to avoid complex sugars that are cooked and acidic, because it’s really the acidity, and excess metabolic Terrain in the body that feeds fungus. If you have weak adrenal glands you also want to make sure that your eating properly ripe fruit, because eating your fruits that are overly ripe, that have already entered the fermentation process will only create more fermentation when your body struggling to metabolize them. If your having trouble metabolizing simple sugars in fruits, this is just your body telling you that your adrenal glands are very damaged, and need proper assistance, and you shouldn’t avoid eating fruits, trying to treat or kill the problem, because fruits at the end of the day will get the kidneys to filter to remove the acid stagnant in the lymphatic system, that will end up repairing and regenerating the glands, so that you can get proper utilization. So you may have to just do your best to eat properly ripe fruit, super chew your food, take your time eating your meals, and take it anti-parasitic herbal formula for long-term, to avoid the problems that occur with too much fungus in the body. If you fix the adrenal glands, and you get better metabolism of sugars, and you focus primarily on detoxification, you can get rid of this fungal problem you may have had for years. You also want to focus on getting your kidneys to filter, and a good way to get your kidneys to filter is an all-fruit diet, herbs for the kidneys and adrenals, and even working your way up to dry fasting to open them up, so that you could remove the problem that causes this imbalance which are acids that damage glands, organs, cells, and all function in the body.

Detoxification is key to get to the root cause of the problem

We must understand that there’s only two sides of chemistry, and that’s alkaline / acid.

If your on the acid side of chemistry regarding the foods that you eat, you will end up backing up your lymphatic system (sewer system of the body) and the end result will be to create systemic acidosis, which is why we find ourselves struggling with conditions like Candida, heavy sulfur, inflammatory conditions, chronic fatigue, neurological problems, and the decay and atrophy of cells that are damaged by acids. We need to get back to the diet were biologically designed to eat which are going to be foods that bring alkalinity and hydration to the body, that fight off acids rather than contributing more acids to a damaged body by the foods that we continue to consume. Get rid of acid/mucus forming foods such as beans, grains, starches, cooked fats, processed foods, and animal foods, get your kidneys to filter with fruits, berries, melons and herbs, and you could solve this problem on a systemic level without having to treat and mask symptoms. We are a culture of treating and masking symptoms, because we don’t have the patience, and strength to endure through the process of elimination, because we always are looking for an easy way out because we’re used to covering up pain, rather than dealing with it and fixing it. If you detoxify your entire body, then you will not only fix your fungal, and sulfur problem, but any problem that you have in your body will be fixed if you pursue this as a lifestyle long-term. Detoxification doesn’t treat one particular symptom, but gets to the root cause of the problem which is systemic acidosis. If we could keep it as simple as just eating foods that were designed for biologically, which are fruits, berries, melons, veggie fruits, and taking herbs for medicine the way nature provided it holistic, and natural in its original form, then we will experience true health, and not have to continue to find a remedy to cover up a problem, rather than just removing the problem, so that we could create a better immune system, have a healthy lymphatic system, and regenerate the nerves and the brain cells that have been damaged by the foods we continue to consume, that are not compatible with our species design, that contribute to more and more degenerative “diseases”.

Stop making excuses, to why you have a problem, it’s most likely that you are backed up with systemic acidosis, rather than just having one problem such as Candida, we cannot blame all of our problems on candida, we must understand that we damaged our kidneys, our lungs, our skin, and our bowels, and made it very difficult to detoxify our body because it’s been over saturated with acid and mucus that suppresses its ability to heal.

Return to nature my friends, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, keep things simple and balanced, and simply stop eating food you’re not designed to eat, and eat your foods raw like every other species in nature, and the body will heal itself naturally, it’s just a process and a matter of time, and it’s worth the ride, and I highly suggest you get on the bull and make it happen!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 7 years ago
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