Sometimes you need to pull back from detox and build up your body a little

Sometimes you need to pull back from detox and build up your body a little

Their is no doubt some need to put the peddle to the metal and detox aggressively so they can heal their body’s, but for those that are not bed ridden and on their way out the door from damaging their health to the highest degree possible need to find mental balance and know when to slow down and take a brake form aggressive detoxing.

Aggressive detoxing would be fruit only with herbs, juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting. Yes fruit only can be aggressive for certain people, especially the highly depleted cases that suffer with malabsorption. Your first instinct dealing with a frustrating health problem is to get it done fast, however this is never a reality because our body’s are not on our watch when it comes to healing, so we need to be patient, and find some mental balance.

I don’t think it’s good to just full throttle detox for a couple years if you’re still feeling weak and under weight. It can take time to fix these problems no question, but you must know when to build up, and take a brake as well. If you’re still loosing weight and feeling very weak after 2-3 years of detoxing on fruit, herbs, juice and other fasting modalities, then your body is not building up on the program your on, and being Intuitive is important to know when to try and build up.

I would say after 2 years of detoxing you may want to make some changes to your diet and enters the road of “fruit onlyism” for another season down the road. You don’t want to continue to strip down to bones because you feel like you have to get through the process of cleaning. Just give it some time, and eventually as long as your on the right side of chemistry, and consuming an alkaline diet mainly raw, and fruit based your body will fix itself without you trying to force it to do something for you.

I’m sorry but if a person is continuing to loose weight on a fruit diet after several years something is not right, and you’re not absorbing the fruit your eating, and brining in some more dense raw food or even lower vibrational food (cooked) may be in your best interest so you can absorb some nutrition, and regain your strength.

Most people will loose a lot of weight on a fruit diet, but eventually stop loosing weight, and for these cases I would encourage you to keep doing what your doing as long as you’re not continuing to loose strength, and can function throughout the day, but for those that continue to loose weight, and feel like their getting worse after years of detoxing in my opinion should take a brake, and try to build up a little, because you don’t want to hurt yourself because your stuck on the detox mind funk.

Humans have radically damaged their body’s, and lymphatic systems that they can’t even just start eating the food their designed for, which is a diet of fruits, berries and melons, and this is why we must transition slowly if we can afford to do so, and for people that can, please don’t just jump into an all fruit diet coming off a SAD diet unless you absolutely have to, because you will detox so fast, and this can rat you out, and make the process of detox very difficult for you, and even make your problems worse if your eliminative channels are broken such as your kidneys, bowels and skin.

Because humans have learned to damage their food and process it, their body’s have been in slow healing mode, and never really heal fully when they run into problems with damaging it. When you oversaturate your body with acid chemistry for decades, and you start detoxing on high vibrational foods like fruit only, you need to understand that your body will go into healing mode which means it could strip you down to skin and bones to get rid of the acids that have been chewing on you for decades, and this is just how it works. The body can’t heal and build at the same time, so you need to some times take brakes and go in cycles.

Detox in a season like spring and summer and build up in the winter and fall. Some of you need to do this because your so advanced with malabsorption, and your also surrounded by brainwashed humans that don’t understand this process of regenerative detoxification, and will try to stop you and threaten you, and this can become your demise unfortunately.

What I mean by building up and taking a brake from aggressive detoxing is not to build up on acid and mucus forming foods, and defiantly not on animal products, and processed foods. I’m saying bring in the greens, and nuts and seeds if need be, and for some even some sweet potatoes and lots of steamed greens to try and absorb some nutrition to keep your weight up, so that you don’t end up getting to frustrated with the diet, and end up falling away completely to a diet of eating animals. This is a mistake many people make. They go back to the diet that caused the health problem to occur, because they end up ratting themselves out on fruit only or juice only detoxes.

Do yourself a favor and transition to a raw food diet or fruit only diet very slowly so you don’t run into these problems that could occur, and you may not have to detox in cycles. When you detox slowly and increase the level of detox overtime the body won’t strip you down so fast. Some people that are in a lot of pain or dealing with the big C have to detox quickly, and that’s why their weight falls off so fast, and the flood gates open up and the body eliminates a lifetime of toxins, chemicals and acids from the body.

Yes it’s better the shit comes out then remains stagnant in the body no doubt, but you must consider the spiritual and emotional body as well when detoxing, and if that’s out of balance then you will not heal effectively because stress will not allow you to filter well, and this is the most important aspect of healing is removing the acids from miles and miles of lymph in cellular spaces throughout the body.

I think it’s better to dry fast, and have a more balancing diet for highly depleted cases like fruit all day, and a cooked Whole Foods plant based meal in the evening (without grains and beans) and to dry fast for 16-20 hours daily, practice meditation and yoga, hit the saunas, and sun gaze in the morning, and play outside as much as possible. A sound mind with balance is more beneficial in healing, then being obsessed with getting Mucoid plaque out, and doing 100 day grape and lemon juice fast, and always thinking about the physical body, and never getting in touch with the spiritual body.

Do the fruit only fast, do the water fast, and juice fast, and hit those herbs, and take detox seriously, but it doesn’t have to be for years at a time. Detox, build, detox, and build, and do it in cycles, because Its not a rush when health a lifestyle for you, and some of you need to do this because you can’t hold a healthy weight on, and end up becoming bound to your house to rot under WiFi and blue lighting, and have no strength to prepare yourself a meal, even it it’s just cutting up some fruit and making a salad.

This path doesn’t have to be 24/7 unless your truly dying and time is not in your hands, but for all the rest don’t adopt a dogma and religion because we have damaged are planet, and body’s, and “natural” doesn’t exist anymore when it comes to our natural diet, because for one fruit is not grown the same, so limiting yourself to unripe fruit only can be a problem if you have destroyed your small intestines, and can’t absorb anything. I believe unripe fruit is hard to absorb for anybody, and this can also be why people loose too much weight on fruit only diets, and green juice in the mix may be a smart addition to the diet.

If you feel good on fruit and herbs only, then don’t change anything, because it is the food designed for humans because we are islander species created for fruit, however if you are loosing weight even after 2 years, and continue to feel weaker and weaker, then you should make changes, and get your strength up with other plant food options, and return to a fruit only diet down the road and intermittent dry fast daily, and hit the enemas to pull out the stubborn mucus, and give it some time. Humans unfortunately have to make adjustments because of the damages they caused to their bodies and as much as you want to be on a fruit only diet, you may need to earn this with intelligent transition due to the current circumstances and damages you have created!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
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