Stop blaming your problems on a raw living foods diet that promotes detox, and understand the (CULTURING MEDIUM) is the problem

Stop blaming your problems on a raw living foods diet that promotes detox, and understand the (CULTURING MEDIUM) is the problem

If your starting to feel worse on a living foods diet coming off of an acid/ mucus forming diet, which are foods that are not designed for the homosapien, which are dead foods that must be cooked in order to assimilate and digest them properly, and also coming off a diet that is highly processed, filled with chemicals, and creates fermentation and putrification in the body especially dead animal tissue and their milks, don’t be surprised when the body goes through a detox and exposes the trash built up in the body and trying to pull it out for elimination.

Living foods that are fresh, organic, and properly ripe do not cause health problems and especially don’t cause candida, and bacterium unless they have been contaminated with e-coli from animals and their feces. Whole, fresh raw plant foods are healing foods, and allow the body to clean itself on a daily basis, fruits however are on another level because they are highly energetic, astringent and electromagnetic, and move the lymphatic system to empty out the trash that has been built up from a poor diet your entire life.

You must understand the culture and medium in the body, and understand that you have to take out the trash before you can get any benefits from a living foods diet that is very active in cleansing and promoting detoxification. This is why it’s important to adopt a very simple diet and transition to it intelligently. If your having issues like candida, bacterium, skin problems, inflammation, chronic fatigue, and every other kind of imbalance that is created from an acid environment in the body, you must clean the system, and repair the eliminative organs so that you can effectively eliminate, and until you take out the trash and get rid of the toxic environment that’s living in your body such as bacterium, microbes, sulfur, yeast, viruses, worms, parasites, and everything else that would live in thrive in a sewer that take precedence in your body and also being on the wrong side of chemistry, and have being on the wrong side of chemistry for way too long.

It doesn’t matter how clean your diet is, and how long you have been on a living foods diet, for one you need to be on the high fruit levels, and two you need to fix your eliminative organs so that you’re not just stirring up the terrain and failing to eliminate it. Unfortunately the electromagnetic food that we need to move the lymphatic system such as your fruits, berries and melons, may not be strong enough and electric enough in some cases because of the way the food is grown today, and that’s why it’s important to adopt fasting and the herbal botanicals, because the food is just not enough, and the supplements and other treatment based modalities do absolutely nothing but suppress the problems to return down the road.

Lots of people have over 15 pounds of old fecal matter and mucoid plaque backed up in their intestines, and just coming off of a diet that is acidic and mucus forming, isn’t going to solve all your problems overnight, your going to have to clean your pipes, and eating too much is an issue to acompish this, and that’s why going on solid food vacations are important and even some assistance from enemas, are essential in the beginning stages.

If it was me and I was coming off the standard american diet, or a high starch and processed food diet, I wouldn’t just jump in the fruits and vegetables, I would clean my pipes first for at least 15 to 30 days on fruit and vegetable juice, and I would do an enema in the beginning and at the end, or even better a colonic if really backed up, and have been constipated for several days. I would then adopt a high fruit diet with herbal botanicals for at least 3 to 6 months before I started to dry fast. After cleaning out the bowels well so that you don’t get crazy amounts of discomfort when your eating all the fiber and water and astringent liquids from the fruit stirring up terrain in the body, I would start dry fasting, because when the kidneys have been badly damaged by proteins, they’re going to be stubborn to filter, even on an all raw fruit diet for alot of people, and if you don’t get your kidneys filtering, you can’t get acids that have been stagnant in interstitial spaces amongst over a hundred trillion cells in your body, and that’s why its important to regenerate systemic acidosis.

If you want to know if your kidneys are filtering then you have to pee in a jar first thing in the in the morning after 8 hours of sleep, let it sit for 24 hours and if your urine is clear and there is no sediment or cloudy filtration, then you’re not clearing out your septic tank, and sewage is staying at home in your body, and that would explain why you don’t feel well, and have these inflammatory conditions.

We have been taught that it’s important to create clear urine, and that yellow cloudy urine is a sign of poor health and dehydration, this is silliness only coming from people that don’t understand the lymphatic system. If clear fluid was coming out of your septic tank when it was drained in your house, you would know that the filter is clogged, and something is wrong, the same thing goes for the human body, the lymphatic system is the sewage system of the body and is connected to the kidneys to eliminate the waste. Cloudy urine is simply a sign of dirty sewage coming out of the body, which is important in order to hydrate on an interstitial level. You will experience hydration like you never have before on just fruits alone, and vegetables without having to drink excess water, and being able to dry fast for long periods of time, and this is only because true dehydration is based on the terrain environment in the body caused from acid stagnation, and drinking water all day long is not going to hydrate the body, but make it more acidic, because it’s imbalanced in it’s chemistry, but the fruit waters are not.

It doesn’t matter how hard you push with the food, if you’re not filtering your going to face problems, and more of your symptoms are going to be exposed. If you have the money don’t be stingy with it, and invest in the herbal botanicals that will help support the lymphatic system, endocrine glands, and your bodies eliminative organs, such as your kidneys and bowels. Nature gave all living creatures the herbs for their medicine, because they help to buffer, and they also enhance and clean and support the organs as their being overworked by cleaning out the stagnant sewage that is very acidic, and if you don’t get your kidneys filtering and you deal with rashes on your skin, just understand that your skin is your largest eliminative organ, and if your kidneys aren’t filtering the waste out, then your skin is going to make up for what the kidneys are lacking.

If activity is taking place, and your skin gets worse, and you get cold and flu like symptoms, you feel more fatigued, more aches and pains, this is actually a good sign that your opening up the floodgates for the sewage to come out, but if you pay attention to the art of detoxification, and the methods of resetting the body the way I described it earlier, you could avoid alot of complications, and discomfort when you start to detoxify your body.

There’s a Fab Four kit that Robert Morse ND created to help support the body as it detoxifies, I highly suggest everybody gets the fab four kit, and if they really want to hit it hard to get an iridology reading that will expose these weaknesses in the body, and to get put on and extensive herbal protocol, and to work with the detoxification specialist to get education, and understand why certain things are happening, it’s worth your money, and you will actually get somewhere with healing yourself, rather than dealing with incompetent doctors and wasting thousands of dollars on them.

You don’t want to treat, you want to expectorate, and less is more, and simple is most effective! I recommend simplicity over complexity!

Don’t blame the solution, just understand what you have created in your colon, and lymphatic system, and damaging your skin and kidneys which eliminate metabolic waste, and be glad activity is taking place, and if you feel worse before you feel better, then your creating a detox, which is vital and important to restore and regenerate, rather than mask, suppress, and have to deal with your problems down the road, because you never cleaned out the terrain that is the main contributor to the problem you’re facing in the first place.

Fruits do not feed fungus, parasites and yeast, parasites and yeast feed on fermentation and trash in the body, and fruits clean out the trash and expose these underlined problems. When you clean out your body, you will understand that your body will truly benefit the most on fruits, and anything outside of them will somewhat create a level of dis-ease and discomfort. All those that have successfully detoxed their lymph systems, and cleaned out the metabolic waste debris in the colon, can attest of what I’m saying when it comes to the digestion, energy, and many benefits they get from fruits alone, and don’t achieve these results even on other raw living foods outside of them. Fruit will always get the blame, because they are the most aggressive detoxifying food, and if your eliminative organs are clogged up like I said before, get herbs to support them, and make your life easier, instead of getting scared, and frustrated and running from the solution back to the problem!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
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