The “Anti candida diet”

The “Anti candida diet”

This one makes me scratch my head but I need to address it, because apparently it has brain washed a lot of people, and I can relate back when I fell into the trap and was brainwashed myself.

This is not only a diet that treats a symptom, and doesn’t go after the cause, but it also can cause some serious health issues down the road. This fear that if you have gotten candida, “this mysterious disease” you need to starve your body of its natural preferable fuel source to get rid of it, is a fear mongering, and profit grabbing diet, that doesn’t address the cause, because very few people even know the cause, and it’s not sugar ether.

So your going to rob your body of food your designed to eat because your afraid this candida monster is going to ruin your life? Let’s think about this for a second with common sense. This earth is full of fruit and an abundance that grows naturally all over this planet, it produced a seed (a gift) so it can reproduce for fruit as a food source, however it’s all bad because it contains “sugar”, natural sugar in fruit is an alkaline nutrient.

Just as water is wet, fruit contain sugar, and just because sugar is sweet doesn’t mean it’s the same as eating a candy bar!

Ok so fruit, vegetables, starches all contain sugar, so if your going to rob your body of sugar thinking that it feeds candida then you have to go on a “Anti candida” diet! lol. Even the anti candida diet makes no sense because it’s still a diet of sugar. An all meat diet and zero carbs would make more sense with this logic, but even the body would create sugar on a diet of all meat.

This diet is silly because you need to address the cause to why you have fungal problems in the first place. Your sewer system is backed up with terrain, and your creating a fermentation problem, and parasitic problem, and your lymph system has backed up with sewage, you’re not filtering, your fermenting your sugar form all plant foods, because your adrenals are damaged, and they are responsible for the metabolism of sugar, so if you fail to metabolize sugar then the sugar will cause fermentation, and that’s what candida feed on, not sugar that’s properly metabolized. Candida also feed on excess trash in the body. Candida and parasites cannot thrive in a clean body, and the only way to truly clean out your body is through the process of detoxification, and it will take a raw food diet to accomplish that. Raw foods are anti fungal, and anti parasitic and they also contain LOADS OF SUAGR!

Don’t fear fruit because fruit is the cleaning foods. Fruit cleans out the body better then any food, because they are astringent and highly alkaline. A hydrated clean body is the goal to achieve, not a diet full of dead rotting animals. I mean seriously how are you supposed to get healthy on a diet of using your body as a graveyard for dead corps!? Dead flesh is what feeds and creates parasites in the body, and this type of sewage environment will not get rid of candida. You may cover up your symptoms for a season, because they do like fermented undigested carbohydrates better then dead animals at least fungus does, but you can’t starve your body of natural alive food such as fruits and veggies, because keeping symptoms at bay still doesn’t mean that you’re not going to damage cells, and create tumors down the road on a diet that creates mucus in the body, damages the eliminative organs (kidneys, skin, lungs and bowels) you damage those, then you can’t eliminate metabolitic waste, and you run intoo much more serious problems then “candida”

The adrenals need to be working properly or candida will always come in and clean up the excess fermentation.

The goal is to not kill candida alone, but to address the gland that’s damaged that messes with sugar metabolism (adrenal glands) also to again clean the lymph system, and the gut that’s backed up with metabolic waste debris that feeds them.

“Change the water in the fish tank” and they will die off, keep the “fish tank” clean, and they won’t come back, and fix the adrenals so you can metabolize sugar properly.

Anyone can get rid of candida on a high fruit, low fat raw food diet. Bad food combining can cause fungal outbreaks, mixing fats with sugars can cause fermentation, and mixing proteins with starches. Eating a diet that’s made up of raw, fresh ripe fruit by itself is what you need to clean out your dirty pipes, and the easy digestion of fruit is your best option to keep candida at bay. Don’t treat a problem that will breed more problems much worse then candida, and get to the root cause of the problem, and that’s a dirty fish tank, and damaged adrenal glands that are not metabolizing any form of sugar, and a simple sugar in fruit is the least offender, however it’s the complex sugars you need to avoid because your damaged adrenal glands will struggle to metabolize the sugar in the starch, and you will continue to create fermentation in the body.

I’ve done all the diets to try and cover up symptoms, but never got to the root cause, because it wasn’t candida that was causing all my problems, it was much more serious then candida, it was acids backing up in my lymphatic system, and my kidneys not filtering them out of my body, and my kidneys loss filtration. It was the high protein animal flesh, and product based diets that caused that problem, not natural sugar bounded to all kinds of beneficial nutrition, and chemistry in fruit my body is designed for “feeding candida”

Focus on herbs for the kidneys, and adrenals and get your kidneys filtering, and move and clean your lymph system with the fruits, and you will solve this issue for good. Fix your adrenal glands so you dan metabolize the sugar in the plant foods your designed and biologically adapted to eating, and don’t waste your time with a “Anti candida diet” that only backs up your lymphatic system more, and also will cause way worse health problems you will have to address down the road because you burnt your cells, organs and glands with acids, and avoid the karma of eating and killing innocent animals that are not foods but beings just like you!

Don’t treat the problem, detoxify the problem! You need to clean out your septic tank, and a diet of death will not accomplish that!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Views: 385
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