The blood type diet is silly and misleading

The blood type diet is silly and misleading

Society has created such deep levels of confusion regarding diet and optimal health. The simplicity of diet is shown in nature when we look at all the animals, but when it comes to the human diet, we complicate things into thinking that everybody is unique and must eat a different way, and this is simply further from the truth. Regardless of your blood type, you like every other species has a species-specific diet.

This blood type diet recommendation has no scientific proof, and nothing has been released to prove, that your blood type is important regarding the food that you take in, to create optimal health and sustainable living.

One of the biggest confusion regarding food is the fact that we think we need to cook and damage our food in order to assimilate and absorb nutrients, and nutrition is killed when the fire comes in contact with it anyways.

We create acrylamides and carcinogens and destroy the food’s nutrition, and also remove the hydration of the foods living water, which will in return dehydrate the human body. If we could come to terms with understanding like every other animal in nature that is designed to eat food raw, then we won’t run into the silly traps of thinking that we must eat a specific diet regarding our blood type, that also discouraged a raw food lifestyle.

It has been said if you’re a type O That you need to eat a diet predominately based around proteins and animal food, this makes absolutely no sense when you look at your physiology and anatomy, and also compare it to other animals regarding their species-specific diets such as Bonobo and chimpanzee primate living in their natural environment conducive to their natural eating, which is a predominate frugivore diet. The reason I bring up the Bonobo a chimpanzee is that our anatomy and physiology is 97% identical to them.

But regardless of the comparison of primates, I believe that humans are the most refined primates, that have originated from the tropics that are designed predominately for tropical fruit, and, this is what we have on record regarding the human diet documented millions of years ago.

We need to get away from man-made diets regarding health and regenerative healing. The fact that remains here is that when you stuff your body with the food you’re not designed to eat, it creates tons of mucus, pus, and an environment of parasitic activity, and systemic acidosis.

The very diet that humans are designed for happens to be a diet that removes obstructions from the body that creates a state of dis-ease!

I’ve been on all the diet including the blood type diet, and when my health crashed it did nothing for me until I got back to my common sense of figuring out what diet I’m designed for, on top of stopping the damaging of my food with heat from cooking, and my body started to cleanse on a cellular level, and remove years of stagnant plaque buildup, and that’s when my brain turned on, and I received the energetics, electromagnetic energy, and biophoton life and light that come from the living food, that allowed my body to heal itself on a systemic level.

My body is still in healing mode because of being out of balance from nature and my biological diet, because these diets that are promoted in society today are damaging the human organism beyond belief, and it’s going to take decades to repair the damages.

I’ve never liked doing anything half-ass, as well as ”treating” a problem. My goal is to find the cure to the problem not manage and mask a symptom. The blood type diet has nothing to offer you regarding what you’re supposed to eat, humans are not some special alienated species that has a specific blood type that’s linked to a specific food!

Cows eat grass and they all have different blood types, humans all have different blood types but are all designed for fruit, some tender leafy greens, herbs, and the succulent savory fruits.

Humans don’t need a silly modified diet plan to get healthy, we just need to stop damaging our food, and we need to just start eating food designed for us. The very food that is the most beneficial to the human organism, is the most demonized food that nature has provided for us because it contains too much sugar according to these intellectual minds.

Living fructose in fruit is exactly what your body needs and requires to fuel every cell in your body. Sugar in fruit is also attached to fibers, and also contains living enzymes that are compatible with how the body breaks down the simple carbohydrates and uses them for nourishment and energy.

All plant foods contain sugar’s, and fruit is not the worst kind of sugar simply because it’s sweet. You want to avoid complex sugars, because the human body is not designed for these complex sugars that are extremely higher in sugar content, than that of simple sugar found in a fruit or vegetable.

The deception of this blood type diet is that every blood type according to how they see things are going to be recommended to eat animal flesh whether you’re a type O, A, AB, or B. Also this diet is going to be revised for you to consume heavy amounts of cooked starches which are also not compatible with the human body, because again we are tropical species, and were also designed to eat our food raw, not digging up vegetation, and having to cook it at high temperatures, just to break it down in order to properly digest it and assimilate the properties found in the food.

And eating an animal is the farthest thing from what our body is designed for in regards to breaking down chemistry, and food, and using it for fuel and proper assimilation.

Regardless of your blood type, animal food is not a nourishing food, and this is what causes constipation, very slow digestion, and only acts as a stimulant, but also in returns creates an acid Ash that breaks down the bodies important eliminative organs such as the bowels, skin, and kidneys.

The karma of killing animals for one is very thick, and this is why I believe humans are suffering the way they are, not only because their animals tissue is not designed for us, but we’re taking part in killing, and supporting the killing of innocent sentient animals that have a right to live, and not be forced into slavery, and suffering against their will, all in the name of pleasure eating, because something taste good?!

I don’t care if you’re a type O blood type, eventually consuming these animal products will break down your kidneys and constipate your bowels, and create systemic acidosis, and this is why humans are ending up on dialysis, and also creating all kinds of intestinal problems, having to crap out of a bag because they’ve gotten their intestines removed, and it’s all because of eating innocent dead animals and the karma is deserved when we get out of balance with nature!

I understand that humans have become domesticated and brainwashed, and just feel that they need animal flesh in order to get protein, not understanding that proteins originate in the plants that the animals consume, and also the body doesn’t even use protein when it’s ingested, but has to break down the protein to absorb and assimilate the amino acids, and getting these amino acids are going to be better absorbed anyways and utilized when consumed in the raw living state, And the fruits and the vegetables are the highest forms of amino acids found in the foods.

There is nothing that animal flesh can provide the body within regards to nutrition, and we must get our minds around the chemistry and energetics of the food that were designed for, rather than the nutrition itself, because it’s not about nutrition anyways, it’s about foods that contain specific amounts and ratios of nutrition that are best for that particular species and fruits will provide those needs for us because they have what we need to function with optimal health.

We also have on record that a fruit diet is known to reverse, and pretty much repair any damage that takes place to the human body regarding health declined and “diseases”. Fruits will always be the less offensive to our body regardless of how they been compromised in our damaged world, and they clean you as they come out, rather than stick and constipate you.

Lots of people shy away from a fruit-based diet, because fruits are very astringent, and also create a detox exposing the underlying issue, which is a backed-up lymphatic system, and heavily congested bowels. But once you remove the obstruction’s, you could truly benefit from the food that is most compatible with your species design, and this is on record for all those that do this, and are not afraid of the fruit sugar because of all the disinformation that is being so prominently invested in regarding lies about raw living fruits.

Don’t buy into this blood type diet, because your body needs the nourishment of the living food, and this type of diet does not promote a raw food diet at all, but rather Just a fancy sales pitch to get you to think that your blood type has anything to do with specific chemistry of foods, and how they react to you, and this diet promotes basically and all cooked food diet.

Anyone that stops eating processed foods, and starts eating whole foods which the blood type diet promotes is going to be feeling better, because the standard American diet is very detrimental diet for the human body, but this doesn’t mean that there’s any truth regarding the blood type diet, because there’s not, because humans are not designed to eat animals, and cooked grains and starches, because we are a frugivore species, and always will be, regardless of the balance that we must find regarding food in this out of balanced unconscious world we live in.

If you choose not to adopt your species-specific diet, then I highly recommend a high raw food diet a 100% plant-based diet, because it will be second-best to a fruit-based diet, but at the end of the day if you want to thrive as a species, and regenerate your damaged body, and create optimal health in synergy and aligned with nature, then I highly recommend you get back to the diet, your designed for regardless of what nutritional guru tells you regarding food, because common sense will always lead you on the right path not what’s written in books and touted from intellectuals.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Last updated: 4 years ago
Views: 461
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