The detrimental consequences of eating processed foods

The detrimental consequences of eating processed foods

We live in a society that makes processed foods extremely accessible. It’s not difficult to get your calorie needs met, when your hungry by getting your quick pick me up at your local gas station, grocery store and even vending machines all around you in certain parts of the world especially in the US. We have learned to process foods, that are extremely mucus and acid forming.

These processed foods are filled with additives, chemicals, flavor enhancers, and are physically and mentally addictive. These excitotoxins create chemicals in the brain and produce too much serotonin and dopamine, artificially, which makes these foods extremely desirable.

The hidden ingredients in a lot of these foods are extremely addictive, and most of us don’t even realize it. Processed foods are extremely high in sugar, salt, fat, and are very hard on the kidneys, and organs of the body. When you over saturate the liver with these processed chemical-laden foods, you impair the body’s ability to detoxify. When you impair the body’s ability to detoxify, then you build up acid which creates an inflammation response. When the body builds up inflammation, and you’re not able to filter these acids out of your body through your kidneys, then the acids will start to break down tissue, damage your cells, create heavy amounts of mucus that block the flow of energy, and you run into systemic acidosis. The more these processed foods you eat, the heavier your addiction becomes. If your constantly putting these triggers in front of you to eat processed foods like watching specific TV programs of cooking processed food, and are fixing your eyes on these advertisements, and commercials, your only setting your mind up to think about these foods, and will be more acceptable to give in to the temptations when they arise.

You must retrain how you think, and understand that your body needs to be treated with love and respect, in order for you to truly benefit longevity and a meaningful life. A quick fix, and consuming processed foods, will only create more addiction, that will lead to chronic inflammation, anxiety and depression. You want to train yourself to get your sugar fix from sweet, fresh ripe fruits. It’s common to get it wrong when it comes to natural chemistry, understanding the whole sugar concept of fruit. Starches are extremely high and sugar, and fruits and vegetables are not.

Fruits and vegetables are simple sugars, and the reason why we think fruits are high in sugar, is because they are sweet, but just because the fruit is sweet doesn’t mean it’s the highest in sugar. This is the beautiful thing about nature, is that we are sugar seeking species and desire are foods to taste sweet. You can get your sweet fix taken care of by eating plenty of fruit. The best way to get healthy is to eat food your designed to eat which are fruits. If you fill up on plenty enough fruit, to meet this desire that you have for sugar, this could be very helpful for you to overcome these pleasure traps that are in front of you.

The consequences of being addicted to process food are extremely detrimental. We are creating more fuel for the allpathic community to prescribe us, suppressant and treatment based prescription drugs to cover up these issues that we created in our bodies. The more you cover up the problem and don’t face it for what it is, you will soon deal with the pain and consequences down the road.

It’s the same thing with drugs and alcohol, eventually your body will shut down when you continue to abuse your body with them. The same thing goes for what we put in our body when it comes to food consumption.

We have become a world that doesn’t quite understand the consequences were creating when we eat these foods day in and day out every single day. We purchase these process packaged foods, we never look at the ingredients, and understand that these heavily genetically modified processed oils, and literal chemicals, that are entering the bloodstream, creating toxins in the blood, and being dumped into the lymphatic system of the body, unable to escape through the kidneys, and bowels and we wonder why we are living in a world of chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and degeneration of tissue like never seen before.

Processed foods are extremely constipating. These processed foods heavy in flour, clog up the bowels, block absorption in the small intestine, and these flower products do not become digestion and create glue like plaques on the bowel walls, and once your bowels get so overly plaqued up with these processed food products, it leads to chronic constipation. If your unable to eliminate these waste, and you keep piling more in day in and day out, you are soon going to experience chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and degeneration of your bowels which will create a world of pain for you to deal with.

We have created an emotional comfort blanket when eating these foods. It’s easy to have a hard stressful day, and indulge with these processed foods that will bring instant comfort, and create these brain chemicals that will help you to escape from the reality of the stress you are facing. Unfortunately this is only a temporary solution to numb yourself. Very soon after ingesting these “foods”, your body does not forget when it comes to the damage caused, and you will soon face the consequence of consuming them.

You could run into cold and flu symptoms, you start experiencing aches and pains, you start experiencing more anxiety, feel more depressed, lose energy, gain excessive amount of weight that becomes difficult for your mobility and it’s hard on the joints. When you learn to eat simple, and you eat raw living foods long enough, you will feel very light, your digestion will be smooth, you won’t have so many obstructions that are blocking the flow of energy, that impair your ability to feel content, and happy. You don’t have to mask a problem, when you remove the stressors from the body. Not only are processed food stressors to the bodies, but it’s also a stressor to your mind because it’s acts like a literal drug.

You have to fight and overcome these addictions to gain your true happiness that you can gain when you get back to nature and start eating food your designed to eat, which in all reality are going to be mainly fruits, berries, and melons.

If your having a hard day instead of emotionally attaching yourself to a quick fix solution by indulging in these pleasure traps of processed foods, it’s best to wine down with some calming herbs and flower essences, and when you get off work make sure to find 20 minutes to shut off the lights, light a candle, and meditate and shut off your mind. If you don’t stop the mind from thinking, it will be very difficult for you to overcome the addiction set before you.

If you learn to shut off your mind, and stop thinking, it’s much easier to overcome these addiction traps when they present themselves. If you have processed food in your house, I highly suggest you remove them from your house. I highly suggest you bring in more fruits and vegetables and start filling up on the natural holistic foods, so that you never feel the temptation to eat the processed foods, because you wont have the desire to consume them because you got your fill with foods grown in nature. The problem is, most people don’t eat enough fruit to stay satisfied on a raw food diet, so the end up cracking in the beging by giving into these pleasure traps of processed food options that you have around you.

Remove the triggers, and replace them with the solution. It’s best to make a giant fruit smoothie, where you could get in a lot of calories much quicker, and this can be a solution to help you get full and more satisfied on raw living foods that are good for you, so that so that you don’t end up giving in to the trap of eating highly mucus and acid forming foods, when you know that it’s damaging and causing systemic symptoms throughout your body.

Understand that the majority of chronic disease is created from processed food addiction. What you suppress today you will have to deal with tomorrow. I highly advise you to get back to nature, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, and understand that the human species will not function and thrive on these processed chemical-laden foods, and that were designed like every other species in nature to consume our foods raw and living in their natural state, built around an abundance of sweet, fresh ripe juicy fruits.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 5 years ago
Views: 479
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