The illusion that cooked food taste better than raw

The illusion that cooked food taste better than raw

It’s all a mental illusion of desiring cooked food, because in all reality nobody desires to mono eat cooked food without salt, sugar, spice, fat, and sauces. The illusion of the smell entices the eater, but when you actually eat cooked food you’re not going to enjoy it truly like you would a fresh ripe juicy sweet fruit! Most of these defeats we call them when turning from a raw food diet to eating cooked food is only a mind illusion, and the more you train your mind by saying you are infinite awareness, and you shall not inhabit any form of weakness, then these positive thoughts will help you to overcome any silly cooked food craving that may be in your existence at the moment.

Your truly going to be satisfied and satiated when your eating living nutrient dense food, not denatured cooked and highly processed carcinogen based foods, with all kinds of flavor enhancing additives or the complexity of even a whole foods dish, is not going to leave you satisfied, and take care of your sweet seeking desires that are only natural for you to have because your a frugivore. Stop entertaining your mind, and you will overcome anything in your path regardless of the circumstance that may entice you. 20 minutes of pleasure-seeking receptors firing off in the brain by eating food that creates these chemicals like a drug, is not worth what it actually tastes like, because it’s never as good as what you thought. Eat for nourishment not for pleasure and emotion.

The good news is the very food were designed to eat, we naturally desire, and enjoy, and it also makes you feel happy, it nourishes and alkalizes the body, and it removes obstructions that should not be in it. A fruit diet truly is a win-win, because you can’t overeat on fruit, and truly ripe fruit will always be a nirvanic experience, and a Master Chef could only dream to create a dish that tastes as good as what nature created in it’s natural, raw and whole form.

Your only enjoying salt, sugar, and fat, because if you remove this from the cook denatured food, your left with dry cardboard that will only make you feel dehydrated, sluggish and irritable, and you will also experience these symptoms with the fat, salt and sugar LOL!

Just understand that you could create a new habit even if you have falling off your biological diet, just strengthen your mind, and fill up on as much fruit as you can for at least 2 to 3 weeks, and you can bury the past and move forward.

If you could minimize your personal space and lifestyle as a minimalist, then you simply could do the same with your diet, and the more simple you make it as long as it’s based around fresh ripe juicy fruit, you will learn to enjoy the simplicity of what nature created, and understand the complexity of food only makes it taste worse, it’s harder on the body, and it’s much more difficult for the body to assimilate and digest and absorb, which is what you want so that you could feed your spirit. If you just feed your belly, your going to be left irritable, anxious and depressed, but when you nourish your body you will also nourish your soul, because of the living electromagnetic food the nourishes every pathway, and doesn’t leave obstructions for the body to work hard on detoxifying and removing the metabolic waste materials.

I know that a cooked Whole Foods plant-based diet is not as detrimental as the process foods in animal products, but for those of you that have experienced true nourishment and health and have detoxified the body and have experienced the energy and the evolution that are raw living food diet brings, it’s a night-and-day difference with these two diets, but a Whole Foods plant-based vegan diet is not known to cause heart disease, diabetes, and other serious chronic illnesses that people are facing in the world today. But a Whole Foods plant-based diet will never beat the flavor profile that you can get in a living Foods dish and also it will not make you feel satisfied and satiated and you will end up overeating on starch which is also not a good idea if your trying to fix absorption, because starch blocks absorption because it’s sticky glue. Also if you have not effectively detoxified the body, binging on starch will create a lot of fungal issues because of the toxic and sewage like environment you have in your body, and starches are more apt to ferment, especially for those with weak adrenal glands that are not metabolizing there sugars properly, will create a fungal feast, because of the high sugars found in starch.

You need to ask yourself is it worth boiling some potatoes when you could have a bowl of bananas?, truly what tastes better? When you get your condition mind off of your bad habit you will realize that it’s much worth having those bananas, over those potatoes because you’re not going to feel fully satisfied and satiated on the potatoes vs bananas, and the potatoes will only numb you and knock you out, and the bananas will give you the energy to want to go outside and play and enjoy nature.

Do you really enjoy beans highly cooked by themselves?, how about a bowl a plain white sticky rice? I mean yes the texture might be nice, but do you really enjoy the flavor by itself? These are staple poor man’s foods, and a much better option than giving in to dairy and animal products, however they will never taste better than a mango, banana, grapes, durian, or any other sweet tasting fruit the nature has created that is perfectly designed for our bodies and our brains. You can’t even say this for raw vegetables, because I don’t care what anybody says, nobody truly desires them, you have to create a very complex hard to digest salad in order to enjoy it, which means it has absolutely nothing on the perfect creation of fruit when it’s properly ripe, and properly grown the way nature intended it.

If you have experience eating fresh ripe juicy quality fruit, then you have experienced eating food that no candy made in a lab could ever compare to when it comes to its amazing flavor profile. We do not have salt and fat seeking receptors and taste buds like we do for natural sugars found in fruits, this is only something we have created, and it’s really a mind illusion, not a reality, and that’s why most people that are on a sad diet of eating steak and potatoes need to have that bowl of ice cream to get their sugar fix after dinner, which proves my point that cooked food has nothing on raw food because you could find that pleasure-seeking satisfaction and be fully content with having that fruit dessert as long as the fruit is properly grown and properly ripe, and there’s still a lot of fruit that isn’t properly ripe that will still provide that sugar fix your looking for, because I’ve eaten plenty of unripe conventional mangoes that have tasted like amazing ice cream when blended.

When you stop eating warm and hot food, you will not crave and desire it, you just got to give yourself the time and effort, and you could overcome these silly habits that are all based in your mind butnot realities. You didn’t want that warm cooked heated food as a child when your mom open the fridge and asked what you wanted to eat, if you saw vibrant colors of juicy fruits in that fridge most likely you would go for that over any other option.

If you put a cooked steak on the table and a bowl of fresh juicy colorful fruit, and you lined up a bunch of kids to choose which one they wanted, if they haven’t been brainwashed and conditioned yet the majority of those kids are going to go for the fruit over that steak, and definitely over potatoes or a bowl of rice.

Cooked food does not taste better than raw food, and there’s a reason why you desire and crave fruit over vegetables, because that’s what food your designed to eat, so we must get back to the simplicity of what our diet consist of, and understand that when the temptations of cooked food come in your path, to always fill up on fruit, and have fruit on hand, because after that cooked dish anyways your going to desire that fruit and wish that you just abstain from it, because it will leave you sluggish, feeling sick, create more brain fog, and overall put you back on the back burner of having to detox and remove the stagnation that you just created. It’s not worth clogging up the kidneys and backing up the lymphatic system and dealing with debilitating acid like symptoms, when in all reality that fruit meal could have satiated you and fully brought that satisfaction, and also cleaned your body from any metabolic waste, instead of contributing and adding on to it. Make your health your priority, and understand that no temptation can overtake your mind if your constantly verbalizing positive affirmations that you could do all things, that you could overcome any temptations, and it’s all an illusion, and you are all awareness and all-powerful Etc!! The temptation will leave you when you take authority with your mind, and remind yourself what your body actually needs and wants, and what it deserves.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
Views: 483
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