The sun does not cause skin damage, a toxic body, and acid chemistry put on the skin does.

The sun does not cause skin damage, a toxic body, and acid chemistry put on the skin does.

Why don’t people that grow up on fruits and vegetables that live in the tropics have skin problems? Why is this an epidemic in the western world? Is the sun bad for humans? Should you avoid the sun when it comes to skin exposure? No! Hell no!! Humans have made a huge mistake migrating away from the sun into cold climates, and have lost melanin in the skin because of it. The skin should be dark not white, because humans are islander species. White skin is a genetic weakness, and this took place when humans started migrating to colder climates. The sun feeds the skin with nutrients, and helps the body produce vitamin d, but when you loose melanin in the skin, you can’t absorb vitamin d properly, and that’s why it’s vital and important to be in the sun before you loose it.

It’s unawareness that breeds confusion. It’s not the sun that is damaging your skin, it’s your genetic weakness, it’s the toxic chemicals you put on your skin, and the sun ends up damaging the skin by heating up the chemicals in the hygiene creams, lotions, and oils you put on it, and the subcutaneous layers get clogged up with stagnant lymph.

We need the sun, and if you never see it then you’re not going to get the benefits that you could experience from being in it, and your also not going to heave quality fruits and veg that thrive from the sun, because it’s the sun, and healthy soil of course that produce the nutrition value in the food. Yes food! Anything outside of fruits and vegetables is not food.

Skin damage is a melanin issue, and also the creams you put on it, that acidity the skin, and the sun just concentrates these acids in these sun screens that end up clogging up the skin down the road.

Your skin is your third kidney, that means it’s designed to sweat out metabolitic waste out of the body, well if you clog up the skin with toxic chemical hygiene products, then your impairing a pathways to eliminate your waste. Why avoid the sun, when the sun helps you to sweat!?? Makes no sense. We as a species have lost touch with our common sense, and natural instincts of being one with nature.

The world is not a tropical island anymore because man has destroyed it, and Mother Nature of course cursed it because we ran away from are natural dwelling place (the tropics) but we still have sub tropical dwelling places to inhabit, and that’s much better then dwelling in cold climates that never sees the sun. Manifest your reality, and move to the sun, the sun is apart of your very being, and you need the sun to thrive.

Many health practitioners, and raw fruit and veg eaters that do live in the sun still run into skin problems, why is that? Well again humans have inherited genetic weak skin from birth, and also a sewer system that had been clogged up, (lymphatic system), and they have to spend a lifetime detoxifying the body, to get rid of the waste, and you need to know how to do that, and just eating fruits, and greens everyday, or even just fruit won’t promise you that reality. Fasting, herbs, and knowing how to filter through the kidneys, fixing a genetic weak thyroid you inherited from birth, so you sweat properly, and also these people have had parents put toxic crap on their skin, the second they pop out of the womb, and when you destroy the skin, and subcutaneous layers of the skin, the sun will expose that, when it beats on this toxic skin you have inherited. Think about all the stuff you put on your skin, all the body wash, deodorant, sun screens, and the list of acidic chemicals that are absorbed in the skin for decades of your life, and then you go sit out in the sun being a ball of natural acid chemistry, and also having genetic weak white skin on top, and you wonder why these “health and natural hygiene gurus” have skin problems? The sun is good, but we need to fix are body’s, and detoxify it properly, so we don’t get burnt from it, and those that know that I’m taking about, because they used to get burnt from it, when the body was full of acids, but after removing the acids in the body on a deep cellular level, because they got their kidneys filtering to remove them, never burn from the sun, or run into skin related issues.

Skin problems will always stem from lymphatic congestion in the body, and acids on acids will expose that, and the sun is a ball of natural acid, when we look at chemistry.

Alkalize and hydrate the body, because if your body is a ball of acid, and your dealing with deep cellular dehydration in the body, you can get burnt from the sun, but you need the sun, you just need to fix your body. Don’t put chemicals on the skin, because you may run into “skin cancers” but understand that skin “cancer” is not caused from the sun itself, it’s caused from an acid body, and acid chemicals put on the skin, and the sun is just heating up these chemicals on the skin, and this ends up causing serious damages.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 5 years ago
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