Traditional fasting modalities are useless if you don't get your kidneys filtering

Traditional fasting modalities are useless if you don't get your kidneys filtering

We could talk about aggressive fasting, extended fasting in regards to juice-only, water only and extended dry fasting, but it really doesn’t matter what kind of fast you choose to do if your kidneys are not filtering during your fast. When it comes to healing and regeneration regarding fasting, the key is to get your kidneys filtering so you could remove the metabolic waste stagnant in interstitial spaces backed up in the lymphatic system. I’ve heard stories time after time of people extended dry fasting, water fasting and not getting great kidney filtration. Even though water is the universal solvent, and removing all chemistry that must be processed for digestion and urinary elimination, can benefit the body to purge out metabolic waste, however because of these acid stagnant in interstitial spaces weakening the tissue of the kidneys and the bladder, you don’t want to overburden them with too much liquid, and you also don’t want to dry fast only for extended periods of time. I’m not trying to make objective claims here because there are people that do receive benefits and good kidney filtration from water and only dry fasting, but I think that we need to use all tools that nature has provided so that you can bring consistency to moving lymph, and removing it on a daily basis as a lifestyle.

I have found that intermittent dry fasting for short periods, such as 14 to 20 hours daily on top of a mono fruit diet more primarily in the evening time, is an effective way to astringe with the astringency of the fruits, and to also give the kidneys and a bladder arrest for extended periods every day with intermittent style of dry fasting. You want to scrub in the day and then rest in the evening and that’s why the fruits have their role on top of daily periods of allowing the body to fully rest from water intake, water contact, and any type of ingesting a food from the evening hours before the sun goes down until the next day. I have experienced kidney filtration consistently doing this, and there have been many that have extended dry fast for several days and also extended water fasting for several days that have not reached these benefits. If you don’t remove the acids from the septic tank, you cannot fully regenerate and repair your body regardless of the type of fasting you choose to do.

Traditional fasting methods just because they’ve been laid out before us don’t equal immediate success and results. We must experience certain things and be able to create tools to effectively remove lymphatic waste buildup on a daily basis, and so if we can create this reality and experience thick kidney filtration that a lot of people are not even getting on extended dry fasting, water fasting, and not having to exhaust the body and stir up so much lymph and not be able to eliminate it, then I think that a more balanced route makes more sense when it comes to healing the body and removing the acidosis.

This is not a race of seeing how much you can achieve with numbers, you want to be able to achieve results of elimination, and if you experience great kidney filtration by peeing in a jar and seeing the sediment in it, and you’re not exhausting yourself on extended fasting, then your winning the day, rather than the numbers on the chart, and not eliminating what your stirring up.

I have experienced way better kidney filtration also with just eating my fruits whole rather than juicing them, I can’t even count the people that I’ve helped, increase their kidney filtration by this simple method of eating your fruits whole, and dry fasting before the sun goes down every day, versus the extended juice fasting, and also many that have dry fasted for several days. Juice fasting can cause a diuretic like effect and increase a large volume of urination, overburdening the bladder, and kidneys and only eliminating electrolyte fluids from the liquids consumed during the day, and failing to remove the lymphatic fluids that are stagnant in the body that are full of acids, and that’s what’s chewing on tissue, and causing dysfunction two organs and glands.

If you have done extended dry fasting, and water fasting and don’t experience kidney filtration, then it’s pointless to do. Try the intermittent short dry fast starting in the evening for at least 14 to 20 hours daily, eat your fruits whole, and try not to consume after the sun goes down, and this simple method is an effective tool to encourage kidney filtration which is the whole reason why we should fast in the first place.

I think that extended dry fasting and water fasting can be done to create optimal results but really your pee jar will tell you what you’re removing and that’s what matters. I think in today’s world because of the heavy proteins, processed foods and chemical residues that are in the foods, the products that people put on their skin, and the air that were exposed to, and the water, that we have damaged the kidneys and bladder to such a high degree, that this genetic weakness is so prevalent that we need the electromagnetic energy from the fruits, and the herbs and the short-term intermittent dry fasting to create an effective complete tool, to remove lymph from the body because water alone is just not doing it, and even extended dry fasting may not be effective enough, and there’s something about that electromagnetic energy from the fruit, and the dry fasting together that creates a synergistic method.

Fruits, herbs, and intermittent dry fasting, is all you truly need if you want to increase your kidney filtration, and to crack open your kidneys to get them to filter, and it’s not necessary for everyone to do unless and this person is unable to consume because of the chronic acid stagnation in the gut that impairs them from eating. If somebody cannot consume chemistry because of their chronic state, then I would recommend liquid fasting, on top of evening intermittent dry fasting and to not oversaturate the body with too much liquids that may impair the kidneys from filtering.

I have learned that the most balanced approach is this method, and that extended dry fasting and water fasting should be considered more for spiritual evolution, and detoxification but it may not be the most effective tool for regenerative healing, and the reason I have come up with this conclusion is because of personally experiencing better filtration with the synergistic method, and also hearing stories from several people that have experience better kidney filtration doing this, versus exhausting their body on long-term extended juice, water or dry fasting.

It has been said that when you dry fast, or water fast, that yout not exhausting the body’s energy for breaking and processing food and nutrition, and this is absolutely true, but at the end of the day it’s not about what you stir up primarily, but it’s about what you eliminate that is going to matter in the long run. If you want to clean out your gut, then a solid food vacation is recommended, but you also must understand interstitial spaces where there’s dormant acid stagnant inside the wall, and those acids must be removed through the lymphatic system, through the lymph nodes to the kidneys, you must create kidney filtration to remove them, and liquids and dry fasting alone may not be the answer for that, and that the astringency and the electromagnetic power that the fruits have their place as well, and I think we will come to understand this more and more as we learn an experiment.

If your plateauing with these extended fast, then go back to a balanced approach, and scrub and dry everyday, and give your body a rest from all the juice and start eating your fruits whole because the beneficial fibers will help create a healthy alkaline ecosystem in the gut, they’re good for the bowels, and they don’t overburden the kidneys with too much liquids entering the bladder too quickly. Fiber also helps to release sugar into the bloodstream in a balance and everything must be done in a balance if you want to create a more balanced result. You also want to be careful not to rush into dry fasting, juice fasting, and water fasting, and to transition properly, because you don’t want to desensitize your body, and then go back to a poor diet, because this could really damage your body and also create a lot of addictive traits and eating disorders.

Slow and steady wins the race, and pursuing a detoxification lifestyle on a raw food diet should be simply a lifestyle, not a quick fix program and being obsessed with fasting. I think we need to bring a more balanced way too fast, and I think that’s just giving the body a rest every evening for at least 14 to 20 hours until the next day, or taking a day off every week and dry fast or liquid fast for 24 hours.

Always do what’s best for you, but understand just because there specific methods that are popular, and that have been laid out before you may not be the most beneficial for your healing if you’re not getting kidney filtration, understand the kidney filtration is exactly what you want to create, and if you create this on a living foods diet, and short-term intermittent dry fasting more effectively than the extended versions then go with the balanced approach that is effective rather than what’s written on paper.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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