Vegetables regarding health and wellness

Vegetables regarding health and wellness

Eat your vegetables! You have been told this by your parents right? Well they only mean well but one thing that is not taught in school is why you should eat them or why you should avoid them and which ones to eat and which ones to avoid. The truth is vegetables are not designed for humans however vegetables unlike other foods are alkaline in chemistry and can be eaten raw but most of them better to digest cooked.

Vegetables in their raw state are designed for herbivore animals such as cows, horses, deer, giraffes, etc. the human anatomy is nothing like a herbivore animal and humans are not even omnivorous in nature.

Humans are frugivores meaning the foods we are designed for are fruits and there is an argument that the hybrid fruits of our day will never give us the full experience regarding health never less they still are without question the easiest foods for humans to digest and best energy source of food as well.

We live in a world where we have to be an opportunist with the food only because the food industry is not behind fruits at all and often the fruits are sold unripe and shipped from another planet haha. So even though veggies are not designed for humans doesn’t mean you can’t get by and eat them especially if it’s an option when the fruit is not abundant and available because veggies are alkaline and veggies will move and clean the bowels like a broom because the cellulose fiber is indigestible for humans and our body does not produce the enzyme for veggies cellulase to break down the fiber cellulose.

The veggies I would avoid raw and even cooked would be your Cruciferous vegetables and the pungent “veggies” such as garlic and onions. Carrots and beets are also hard to digest raw so eating them in their natural state to get the absorption of nutrition is lacking. Juice the beets and carrots and I personally would avoid garlic and onions only because the sulfur content is high which may cause unpleasant gas and onions and garlic will kill the microbiome you need in your gut because bacteria is good especially in an alkaline body. You want to preserve bacteria to help the body break down lymph so your lymph system can drain the metabolic waste properly. For bacterium “infections” focus on the herbs rather than onions and garlic.

If you eat leafy greens I would focus on the tender greens low in oxalate because calcium-rich greens bound to oxalates could create stone formation and be hard on the kidneys. The tender greens I promote if you eat veggies for variety an alkaline source would be your lettuce varieties since they are easier to digest and also more hydrating and water-rich, sprouts and your leafy herb varieties celery being one of them. These are the only veggies I eat personally and out of all sprouts and lettuce and herbs I would say the celery may be the hardest to digest but a good water source full of electrolytes and sodium salts for the adrenal glands. Baby carrots shredded may be an option if you can tolerate the digestion and a good sweet addition to a salad.

Veggie fruits I would avoid would be tomatoes and peppers. I think these hybrid foods are acidic and usually problematic with most people. Without question if you can find quality vine ripen tomatoes that are not highly acidic and have a slight sweetness are also a good addition to a tender leafy salad and the yellow or orange tomatoes usually are less acidic then the red ones. Avocados are slightly mucus forming and eating too much fat on a high fruit diet can create insulin issues and blood sugar problems, especially for those with weak adrenals and, are already diabetic whether that’s type 1 or type 2. Find your balance with the avocados and listen to your body.

Focus on the sugar and fruits are the best source of sugar for the Homo sapiens. Veggies are a backup option a great buffer if you eat little cooked food, an alkaline source and when juices have the potential to pull chemicals and heavy metals out of the body and even parasites, excess yeast and fungus. Veggies can potentially help build up highly depleted people that are way too underweight due to the higher amino acid profile in them.

Even cooked starchless veggies are mucusless unless highly sprayed with chemicals. A good transition tool when not 100% raw and a good food source to slow down a detox for those that are moving lymph to quickly and not eliminating well through the kidney and skin and most veggies raw are hard to digest except for the tender greens, herbs, and sprouts. It’s better to cook the tough fibrous ones instead of eating them raw such as your Cruciferous vegetables. But if you want to keep it raw I would eat the lettuce varieties, leafy herbs, and sprouts for best veggie digestion and absorption of the nutrition from them. The hard to digest vegetables will keep you bloated and uncomfortable and the harder the digestion the less nutrition you will derive from the food.

For detoxification, this is a fruit and herb experience, not a vegetable experience. Veggies will only detox you to a certain point but an all-fruit diet will clean you, move lymph and provide the most energy and conserving of energy to detox and expectoration. Fruits are the cleaners and veggies are more the builders and balancing foods. They are not designed for humans but they don’t back up the lymph system either and because they are high in alkalinity they are not degenerative foods.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
Views: 451
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