Virus protection plan

Virus protection plan

You’re worried about toilet paper for your hinny and canned foods to “stay alive” when In already more people die from their own sewage waste accumulation in the body by the millions rather than the body holding onto a foreign protein that weakens the immune/ lymphatic system.

The immune/lymphatic system relays on electricity/electrolytes to keep the body hydrated and clean. These packaged foods may keep you alive temporarily but they are very acidic. They are dead foods you have to double cook and these foods are that are canned are absorbing chemicals from BPA cans and starches in cans like to absorb and bind to other forms of chemistry meaning your body is absorbing chemicals and when you double-cooked food you make that food even more acidic and you dehydrate the body even more and this impairs the body even more from eliminating waste including man-made viruses.

You are not making a wise investment if you are buying canned foods and junk sold in the market place with the purpose to keep you addicted to acid ash foods and being locked in your house with nothing to do but to eat your “snacks” you stocked up for because businesses are shutting down due to government laws to “protecting” your best interest in all reality is a trap to fill up the hospitals when your health declines so they can keep you sick and manipulate your minds you need a vaccine or flu shot when in all reality it was your diet and poor investment in the foods designed to kill you and make you sick!

Your in quarantine and can’t leave your home because there is a scary virus out there that’s going to kill you huh? The market place right now if you’re not already enslaved in your homes is marking down the produce aisle because most people have no clue how to achieve health and how to shield the body from a virus! Go buy a couple of fridges if need be and stock them up with fruit, frozen fruit, dried fruits, and veggies and understand that if you don’t alkalize the body and keep it hydrated you’re in more danger of a virus they named after a beer haha jk. You are in danger of systemic acidosis, and organ failure because you got more time on your hands to eat and if that’s the case if the food you’re eating and the drink you’re drinking is acidic you got more of a chance of losing your health apart from getting a virus that you can recover from quicker then backing up your lymphatic system at this level!

Don’t you see the sick industry has a big investment in the foods and they are using them as a weapon against you to profit off your suffering!?

Use this time to detox and get on the raw foods and if you need help to invest a little money in the detoxification specialist that are the true healers, not the doctors that suppress fevers and offer “treatments” that kill you with more change then the virus they are treating you with!

Focus on fruits, berries, and melons because your lymph system moves through electricity and the food that hydrate the most affectively is fruit and fruit is more than sugar and water its electricity, sunlight, and nectar prepared for the gods!

This is the best time to detox and the best time to get healthy and if your stuck in your house instead of falling into a deep depression and I Sympathize with you because money is what puts food in the house but make sure you eat real food and clean out your body and invest in your long term health because it’s truly scary times and if you lose your health the controls win and you lose and don’t think for a second that this time in history is not based on mass population control and trying to make you a ginny pig for there agenda you will learn sooner or later and if this event has not opened your eyes regarding how much this Babylon system instills fear at this level to see how ahead they are and how asleep you are it’s saddening because if humans had more awareness regarding health, truth and nature they would be shitting in there boots but it’s sad to say how unaware humans are and us aware ones that want simplicity and want natural living and refuse to invest in the power grids and businesses that make the corruption stronger are now being punished and may be forced back to there Babylon homes because country’s are slamming there doors shut over a virus you can easily recover from on a raw food diet using herbal botanicals and learning how to clean the lymphatic system so nothing can stay stagnant and dormant and if the body is clean, hydrated and alkaline in comes the obstruction and out goes the obstruction.

Your virus protection plan and your health relays on your diet because only a highly sick person with a clogged up lymphatic system would die from a virus but today you can evoke a detox and be honest a virus is a blessing in disguise because it will only create a fever even more which is what you want to expectorate not only a virus but a lifetime of acidosis and toxemia.

Your lymphatic system is your immune “system” (immunity) if you keep your sewer system clean and keep your septic tanks from backing up (lymph nodes) then acids, mucus, and poisons will come out by mouth, skin, kidney (through urination) and by bowel movements.

Toxins and virals are coming in and through you like Choo-choo trains every day and for a person on a living foods diet that has the doors open (eliminative organs) eliminating waste is not an issue and this is why it’s not germs that are the threat It’s poor elimination pathways that are blocked Because the food you eat is acid and mucous forming. It will always go back to chemistry and the chemistry we must put in our body happens to be drink and food. Keep your lymphatic system clean and you will keep your body from being exposed to the toxemia that you’ve already been so badly exposed to way before the virus propaganda started hitting the news and hitting the subconscious minds of the people around the world!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
Views: 447
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