Vitamins and Supplements are toxic

Vitamins and Supplements are toxic

Supplements are isolated nutrients concentrated and processed into a pill form not found in nature, and we think they are healthy?

Why do we think the body is designed for isolates? Isolated nutrients suppress symptoms, and can overstimulate the body. When the body is overstimulated because its trying to process a nutrient in high amounts the endocrine glands become shocked, and loose proper function.

We are creatures designed for foods fresh, Whole and ripe. The body wants the complete Synergy of balanced nutrition found in the actual food source itself. large amounts of nutrients out of balance found in a pill made in a lab make the body confused, and can create imbalances.

You may feel good temporarily but in the future they will only make your problems worse or create new problems. Notice how you have to continue to take a supplement in order for your “symptoms”to be controlled! How can this be natural and restorative? You stop taking the supplements, your problems return. This should be an eye-opener their not natural or suitable for the human organism.

Even the U.S National Academy of Science, Food and Nutrition Board, recommends that people meet there daily nutritional needs through a varied diet rather then through vitamins and mineral supplementation. Vitamin and mineral supplements- cannot provide all other nutrients that the body gets from well-balanced diet.

We must understand where vitamins and minerals come form, and then simplify things in are brains so we can make the best decision for our health and bodies. Balance is how nature is designed.

Supplements are out of balance and bit compatible with nature. If your consuming an isolated supplement you’re not in balance with nature, and when you’re not in balance with nature, you will soon get a blowback because of it.

Do we really think we will get more bioavailability nutrition from a none organic pill designed in a lab that we can’t find in nature? You will get everything you need from the foods anyways, and there will be proper balance as well.

Don’t suppress the issue, but rather get to the root cause of the problem. The reason your body is out of balance in the first place is because you’re consuming chemistry not designed for your species for one, and two you’re not consuming chemistry from food in its wholistic, organic, and natural form.

When the body falls into acidosis systemically your going to feel symptoms on your genetically weakened areas. The goal is not to “TREAT” the problem by masking the symptoms, but rather to get to the root cause. You get to the root cause not by adding on nutrients but eliminating the obstructions that block the flow of energy. When you remove the obstructions from the body, you will then be able to absorb and utilize all the nutrients, and vitamins in the food. When you get the vitamins in the food the body will then balance itself out and function properly.

We are a society that wants a quick fix now! rather then investing in natural health from just simply changing are diets, and properly detoxifying the body. If you detoxify your body by focusing on eliminating the junk, you will get a lot further in your healing then if you were to add on a “magic pill” created in a lab!

The supplement industry is just a big scam to steal your money! Why spend $50 bucks on some mysterious “super food” supplement, when you can just buy some blueberries or some fresh alfalfa, and actually absorb and utilize the nutrition?

Why not Spend your hard earned money on organic natural foods creating more opportunities for the farmers to produce better quality produce, rather then giving these scam artist supplement companies more opportunities to rip you off.

In late 2013, a trio of studies conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins, the University of Warwick, and the American College of Physicians were released in the Annals of Internal Medicine. What did they find?

In conclusion, Ξ²-carotene, vitamin E, and possibly high doses of vitamin A supplements are harmful. Other antioxidants, folic acid and B vitamins, and multivitamin and mineral supplements are ineffective for preventing mortality or morbidity due to major chronic diseases. Although available evidence does not rule out small benefits or harms or large benefits or harms in a small subgroup of the population, we believe that the case.

The one thing I am sure of is that the best route we can all take is to eat a diet that includes fruits, herbs and vegetables raw fresh and consumed in there natural state that consist of at least 80% fruit in the diet.

About vitamins

  • Too much supplementation causes acidosis.
  • Vitamin c is acidic, leaches out calcium, and lowers beneficial cholesterol.
  • Do not megadose anything, especially oil soluble vitamins.
  • Supplementation of separated constituents can lead to imbalances in the body’s chemistry.
  • Artificial vitamins accumulate in your tissues causing obstructions and toxicity.

Vitamin b12

  • Other names cobalamin, cyanocobalamin
  • Actions: essential for growth, production and regeneration of red blood cells.
  • Best sources: sunflower seeds, comfrey leaves, kelp, bananas, Concord grapes, alfalfa and dates.

Vitamin D

  • Other names: ergosterol, viosterol, calciferol
  • Actions: Absorption of calcium. Regulates and boosts resistance to infections. Essential for the formation of teeth and bones.
  • Best sources: sprouted seeds, alfalfa, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, sunshine.

Vitamin C

  • Other names: Ascorbic acid, L-dehydroascorbic acid
  • Actions: activates growth and repair in tissues, boost immune system, antioxidant, all organs and glands, connective tissues. Promotes healing in every situation of ill health. Can lower beneficial cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Also, synthesis of collagen for healthy skin and mucous membranes.
  • Best sources: all fruits and vegetables, especially strawberries, blackberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers, apples, persimmons, guavas, (mangoes), spinach, collards, black currants, parsley, rose hips, etc.

The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D. (Page 75)

Iodine and B12

Isolates supplementation such as iodine and b12 can trip up the thyroid and parathyroid causing hyperthyroidism and poor calcium utilization. Find your iodine from natural sources such as kelp. B12 is not a source we get from dead acid ash animal tissue. The soil is deficient of b12 and that’s where an extra source of b12 is found.its difficult to get b12 from food sources. The goal is to fix the body so it will produce b12 naturally. The adrenal glands are what’s responsible for utilization of b12 in the body and a clean colon will produce it and store it naturally. I believe the reason so many people are deficient in b12 because they have damaged their colons and guts that helps the body produce it naturally. I think the restorative focus should be to find it from plant sources while you get to the root cause by enhancing the adrenal glands and creating a healthy echo system in the gut and colon, so that b12 will produce in the body naturally.

Digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes should only be taken If someone is loosing there pancreas, and absolutely needs them for a short period of time while they detoxify there bodies with fruits, and herbs to get to the root cause of the problem. However digestive enzymes taken Long term can negatively effect the pancreas, making it so it’s very difficult to digest your foods. The pancreas is an endocrine gland so you want to be carful not to suppress its function or you want be able to digest your foods anymore. There have been people that have burnt out there pancreas with digestive enzymes, and now can’t digest anything they eat.


Probiotics is unnecessary in my opinion. Why consume fermented foods? We are naturally designed to eat living foods in their ripe and natural state, not in a dead decaying fermented state. All the talk about how we need probiotics because we have destroyed the gut bacteria with antibiotics, and dormant cooked dead junk food I think is a lot of hype. I think if we get all the prebiotic fiber from the fruits this alone clean out the bodies Terran, and will create a healthy gut bacteria naturally. You can bring proper balance to all obstructions we have caused in the body with the foods alone (holistically) Most people are loaded with fungus anyways (candida) and get extremely gasy on probiotics why is that? Because the fungal family gets out of control when there is too much fermentation in the body. Candida feeds on fermentation not sugar!!

If you have loads of sulfur stagnation in the body and candida issues, the last thing you want to do is feed the beast with more fermented chemistry. The reason you already have high fungus in your body is because your fermenting your carbohydrates, because your adrenal glands are responsible for metabolism of sugars. When utilization is impaired then sugar metabolism is impaired, hence fermentation occurs, and fungus grows like wild fire! So this is another area to focus on. FIX THE ADRENAL GLANDS!! Probiotics are useless, and will cause more issues for you so avoid them like the plague.

Supplements is a dead end and a waste of money. Get to the root cause of deficiency, and remove the obstructions from the body. You remove the mucus and acid In the body you will bring balance and deficiencies will no longer exist.

The answer is full body detoxification and regeneration of damaged tissue caused by systemic acidosis! Save your money and time by just going back to the diet your biologically designed to eat!

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
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