What foods you must remove when starting the detoxification process

What foods you must remove when starting the detoxification process


The body cannot properly start the healing process, when eating these four food groups. Our bodies do not function optimally on these dormant, mucus forming, acid Ash, foods. There are a lot of underlying issues that block the flow of energy when it comes to properly healing the body to reach proper homeostasis. To function with the proper hydration, and alkalinity it will be very difficult to achieve on beans, grains, meats, and dairy these foods block the flow of energy, which blocks the flow of healing.

Acids and mucus are what block the flow of energy, and acids that get locked in the lymphatic system causing an overflow of sewage waste in the body, is what creates every inflammatory, and health condition somebody may suffer with. The only Foods that are low in protein, that are not mucus forming, and leave behind an acid Ash are going to be fruits, vegetables and of course Nature’s medicine herbs!

You cannot properly detoxify the body with foods that create mucus, acids, and block the flow of energy, the body needs energy in order to start the healing process. I believe it’s very important to transition at an individual pace, depending on how toxic your body is, but I strongly believe that everyone can remove these foods in order to detox slowly and effectively.

If you want to detoxify your body and start the healing process, everyone can remove a standard American diet type of meal from their life immediately. The transition phase when it comes to moving towards a mucusless free diet, is not design for a standard American type of meals. this can be removed immediately and should be in my opinion.

The goal in the transitional phase, so that the body doesn’t detoxify too rapidly by releasing too many toxins at once, is not to hold on to certain foods for long periods of time, and to convince yourself that your “still in the transition phase” and it’s okay to eat hot dogs, pancakes, pastries, highly cooked and processed starches, and oils, and lots of grains, beans, and animal foods. You could cut these things out of your life, and still detox very slowly by removing them.

Steamed mucusless veggies, fats like avocados, olives, and coconuts, nuts&seeds, will still slow down the detox process to where you’re not detoxing toxicity from the body to rapidly. I do not recommend eating high-fat, or making this a long-term sustainable food source, but these foods I just suggested, will be enough to detoxify at a decent level, until you get through this transitional phase. Beans, grains, starch, eggs, meat and dairy, are not foods to rely on, to slow down a detox, these foods actually cause obstructions and create health issues. These are the foods in my opinion that caused the health problem your dealing with in the first place, so you should remove them immediately.

I think seeds such as quinoa, and millet, and sweet potatoes can be consumed in moderation during the transitional process, but anything more than this such as beans, grains, meats, high starch, eggs and dairy foods, must be eliminated in order to even start the detoxification process in a high enough way to get your healing. Of course the body will detoxify if you’re not eating fast food everyday, and you move towards home cooked meals, without all these added chemicals, but it will not be enough for the body to heal at a level that will be conducive to getting you back to Wellness.

Why are beans, and grains bad for you?

Beans and grains are dormant Foods. Enzyme Inhibitors block the germination process by blocking enzyme action, which allows for long-term storage without spoilage. Even though beans are more protein-rich and grains are starches, they are both acid forming and very hard to digest. I have always said that it takes more of your body systemic energy to digest, assimilate and excrete these foods and they give back to you. Simply put they rob the body of energy in the final analysis.

Why do we give grains to Hogs and Cattle? To fatten them up. And these foods will do the same to you. Dried beans and grains are very concentrated, making digestion long and difficult. It is also possible that the enzyme Inhibitors will affect your body’s enzyme action. ~~detox miracle sourcebook~~ of 226

Meat and dairy

Most animal proteins foods are irritants to the mucosa and cells of the body, invoking an immune response. This causes your lymphatic system in mucosa to respond with mucus and lymph cells. Foreign proteins cause mucus production all through the body, creating congestive issues. The more we consume, the more congestion we create, and the more we create, the more we store into our lungs, sinus cavities, ear canals and throat become saturated. The intestines also becomes saturated with this mucus. This brings parasites, increase white blood cells, and creates inflammation, all of which affects the body’s ability to function properly. The congestion and inflammation eventually leads to Cellular death. Pg 190 —-detox miracle sourcebook—-

Adults cannot digest milk at all and develop deeper congested problems as they get older. Cow’s milk is also low in essential fatty acids, which are vital to humans in the production of systemic cholesterol, steroids, brain and nerve tissue, Etc. Raw cow’s milk is more for skeletal muscular growth, where humans milk feeds brain and nerve growth. This is one of the main differences between frugivore and herbivores roughly between the ages 3 and 4 most children lose the enzymes that digest milk, especially lactase, which breaks down lactose the main sugar in milk. This is because biologically we are supposed to be weaned after 3 or 4 years. Since we lack the proper digestive enzymes to break down milk, we get an increase mucus production. Milk now becomes highly irritating to the mocosa of the GI tract, which causes even more mucus. This mucus mixes with starch can cause heavy mucoid plaque to build up in the intestinal walls. —- detox miracle sourcebook—- pg. 110

High protein foods act as stimulation for a certain time, because they decompose at once in the human body into poison. It is a commonly known fact than any kind of animal substance becomes very poisonous as soon as they enter an oxidation with air, especially at a higher temperature as exists in the human body.

The Learned have gone so far as to prove that man belongs biologically in the class of meat eating animals, while The Descendant Theory proves that he belongs to the ape family, who are exclusively fruit eaters. You could see how ridiculous and contradictory so-called “science” is.

The fundamental fact and truth of why the grown-up man does not need so much protein as the old physiology claims, is shown in the combination of mother’s milk, which does not contain 2 1/2 - 3% protein, and nature builds up with that Foundation of a new body. Arnold Ehret —-mucusless diet healing system—- pg. 66, 67

Grains, starch, eggs, beans, meat, and dairy have no place in the healing process, and are not compatible with the human anatomy whatsoever. During the transitional phase you should do your best to eliminate these foods. Have fruit for breakfast, a big salad for lunch if desired, and steamed mucusless vegetables for dinner, and transition yourself off all these cooked foods, and get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, which are going to be your fruits, and you can also benefit from the tender leafy green vegetables in moderation, and of course use the herbs for your medicine.

Don’t sell yourself short holding on to meat and dairy, because in my opinion you will not get far at all to heal your body, and eliminate the obstructions, and the root cause of your “disease”which is going to be mucus and acids and mucus stagnant in the body.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:


The Mangotarian @ YouTube:


First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 6 years ago
Views: 384
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