Why being spiritually connected to the divine is vital for healing the mind and physical body

Why being spiritually connected to the divine is vital for healing the mind and physical body

The mind can be to attached to the body in such a way that you forget about who you truly are in a spiritual sense, and when you forget about who you are in a spiritual sense, you will struggle with cause and effect regarding the physical, when your trying to get the pain out of it.

If you focus so much on the pain, and you put so much attention on what it can possible be your dealing with, your actually causing more physical infirmities, because, worry is very acidic, and the very gland that shuts down from worry, being the adrenal glands, will actually constipate the kidneys from filtering your lymphatic system, because let’s be real here, duality is a fact, and chemistry and physics rules creation, and you can’t just fix everything with the mind permanently at least, but the mind is a tool you just use, manifesting positivity, and having faith in what your doing, only this aids in the body being relaxed, and not under constant stress, and the outcome is eliminating the acids in the body that brake it down, that cause pain and dis-ease!

If your only an intellectual thinker, and have systemic acidosis from head to toe, you will find an excuse to not do something that pertains to a diet that is conducive to regenerative detoxification, and natural healing. A fruit diet will activate your spiritual body whether you like it or not, and the mind will battle against that, and being pulled in negative directions living in a Babylon system, is very challenging to succeed on this diet 24/7 year after year, so you do your best to find your balance, and I don’t believe you need dead cooked foods to do that ether, you can go to lower vibrational foods like fatty fruits, and vegetables, and other raw plant foods for that in my opinion.

If you don’t understand the divine is in you, and you can find access to higher spiritual consciousness, then you can only get so far with detoxification with diet only, before you plateau!

Natural healing is a physical experience without question, there are things you must do in a physical sense to aid in the physical body cleaning itself properly, but if it’s a constant mind game of rushing the process, or not understanding the outcomes of cause and effect dealing with pain and fatigue, and discomfort when the body cleans itself, and not having any protocol for the cleansing of the mind and spirit, it’s like preparing yourself for a battle, but having no passion and determination to fight through the possible blowbacks that are coming at you.

It’s like signing up to fight in the army, but constantly bitching about bullets flying at your head, and then blaming the enemy for trying to harm you, when you signed up for this kind of life, so you should expect the blowback that may come at you. The wise soldier never dies though, because he prepares himself for the pain, and mental warfare, and his determination to survive keeps him alive, because his MIND AND SPIRIT are powerful, and he takes full responsibility, and doesn’t play the blame game. Detox is kinda like this, because it’s a battle of trusting the process dealing with the pain, except you’re not going to die, unless you’re not smart, and understand transitional healing, and balanced natural healing, and detoxification. Example like a water fast for 30 days and braking it with McDonalds lol, that can literally kill you, and a perfect example of a person joining the army without any awareness of what they are signing up for, and thinking that no harm or discomfort may come their way mentally, spiritual and physically.

You will feel aches and pains, and you can’t avoid all challenges with the process of cause and effect. When you set up the right enjoyment for the body to detoxify and regenerate, you will have to pull though the pain, and discomfort when those acids and sewage try to come out of the giant lymphatic system, and because of the law of nature, and cause and effect, this is a great and viable reason to strengthen your mental and spiritual body.

If you don’t get the process of the body stripping down before it can repair itself, then you will blame the fruit, blame detoxification, and end up thinking your deficient, when in all reality the foods that you will think you need, are the foods that actually got you in trouble, that brought you to this side of life regarding natural healing and regenerative detoxification.

There are people that have healed their cancer with fruit, and yet say that they need meat now to rebuild their body ? that’s a head scratcher, because a person like that needs to understand what damaged the cells that caused the “cancer” in the first place, and the only side of chemistry that does that is acids, and foods that dehydrate the body, and that’s defiantly meat, and animal products, just saying, and a side bar rant to consider here!

Diseases are illusionary concepts, not realities, so you must understand the cause to the effect, and it’s not a mystery disease, that just attacked you in a dark ally lol, it’s acids, acids, acids, and these so called foods that these ill informed intellectual “nutritionist” recommend to keep you from becoming “deficient” are proteins and acid forming foods, and it’s these foods that overtime shut down your kidneys, and adrenals, and the end result of these foods was backing up the lymphatic system over a period of time, and now that your in the trouble your in, you have to deal with the pain and discomfort of it coming out, and it’s not deficiency, it’s detoxification, and you must understand that, and surrender to that, so you can mentally overcome the process, and also disconnect yourself from your physical body, which will happen naturally on a fruit diet anyways, so embrace the spiritual world, because to disconnect from your physical body, and you will no longer be so attached to it in a sense of the mind attaching you to it. You won’t care about the physical body, and you won’t even fear death to it anymore, and the bonus to this whole thing is, when you clean out the physical body with living foods, that hydrate and alkalize the body, you heal, and rebuild the physical, and get out of the pain and suffering anyways, and it will happen faster when your connected to the spiritual body, but it will be a slow process when your always in your mind, and finding excuses, playing the blame game, pointing the finger, because this stress shuts down the adrenals, which shut down the kidneys, and you don’t filter well, and you don’t poop well, and you just don’t heal well!

Understand the divine is in you, and when you believe that, and you relentlessly refuse to fail, and you claim your victory, you get the results your looking for, but you must work on your spiritual body to do that, and whatever the religion or spiritual beliefs you adopt, one thing is true, and that’s positivity, and claiming your victory, from the infinite, but if you don’t claim the victory, and apply your spiritual beliefs and precepts, you don’t get stronger spiritually, if you don’t practice mental work, with positive affirmations, and tap in to visualization, and attraction to strengthen the mental body, good luck with positivity, and overcoming constant worry, fear and stress, and if you don’t put in the work with diet regarding healthy nutrient dense living foods that promote moving lymph, and regenerative detoxification, which is a fruit diet with herbal botanicals, and fasting to get your kidneys filtering, so you can drain the swamp that damages tissue in your physical body, you will just have to deal with the outcome of cause and effect regarding physical pain and discomfort, but understand you have to work on your emotional body, and push through those triggers that test the emotional body, to become disciplined, and to become strong in that area, because you have to overcome the test, and trials, to gain strength in these areas, and you have to embrace and strengthen your spiritual body, which means disconnecting yourself from the physical, and understanding that the physical is temporary, but you can’t get rid of your spirit, so tap into the divine, and claim your power, and that’s claiming it with full assurance, and let go of the ego that questions everything, and only looks to negative, and temporary topics of creation, and you find yourself in debates, puffed up with intellectualism, and narcissism, and self promotion, but it’s service, love and selflessness in the sense of the abolishing the ego, not the absence of self love, and the inner alone state, but freeing yourself from fear, claiming your power, finding your spiritual assignment on this earth plane, that will open up the doors to gain the wisdom and truth that will strengthen the spirit, and in return the other body’s will be detoxed and strengthened, because you have to address all the body’s when it comes to natural healing in a way that honors the laws of nature, and frees you from this temporary physical illusion living in a body only for a short season, and you don’t want to come back in another body, so I would encourage you tap into your intuitive consciousness, and become that master that you already are, you just have to claim it, for it to unfold, or else transcendence is light years away the way I see it.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:


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First published: 5 years ago
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