Woman submission to your man simply just means being in agreement with him

Woman submission to your man simply just means being in agreement with him

Submission is simply just being in agreement. There is no burden to “submit” when you already follow your man’s morals and principles. If you feel rebellious to your man then you’re not compatible with him because you either don’t love yourself or you are awake and your man is asleep and has no morals and principles to align with.

A real man desires their woman to respect them and have morals and principles and good values lived out that are respected. You should respect your man and be loyal to him and if you stray from that consciousness path woman it’s because you don’t love yourself and have been programmed to be “independent” you only desire this because you either have only been burnt my a lower self man or because you have fallen to the Babylon culture of thinking that you don’t need a man. Nobody really “needs” anyone when it comes to emotional attachment. But if you want a child and you want the child to be raised by a mother and a father then you need a man and this is not a bad thing it’s a beautiful thing because a real man will love you, desire you, make you feel good and appreciated and tend to your higher self needs emotionally, spirituality and physically.

Woman study your man’s heart and if it’s filled will love, service, light, and vision of change and higher consciousness then why wouldn’t you “submit” to that if you love yourself and love him? You only wouldn’t because you’re not in agreement with this truth because you have been programmed to beat to your own drum which is out of balance in nature.

If you don’t share your man’s mind, heart, and vision then why are you wasting your time with him? If you don’t agree then cut the cord end codependency and work on thyself and get to know thyself through your astrology natal chart and understand your positive aspects and learn about your karmic challenges and grow through them and manifest what your looking for and if anything spiritual it will be a man that walks with integrity and has the heart to serve, live, connect and bond with every reflection that the you-niverse has brought to his path. Find a teacher, and a wayshower because a god man is what you want so you can end the negative mindset that “all men are evil” also happy is a man who finds a virtues wife for he has obtained favor from “the lord”

If you don’t manifest and get in the process of acting on your knowledge then you will only attract lower self men that will demand respect when they don’t deserve any because they have nothing to show that is respected. Respect is honor and respect is earned. Be single until you manifest and find a man you can be in agreement to because remember the word submission really just means agreeing with your mate when he desires something from you and remembers a god man will only desire something pure and you will want to give him the desire of his heart anyway.

A man is called to lead his tribe and his woman should be his greatest support system. This doesn’t mean the woman can’t teach the man because the man needs her feminine touch and wisdom to balance him and a union of agreement is teachable on both sides however I believe the man should carry the load with the decisions on how to direct the family and unfortunately so many men leave this to the wife or partner and this has bred a pattern of woman used to leading and then the men giving up and in return the woman get mad at the men when they don’t lead when the woman has demanded the lead due to this pattern that has been created ? her instincts go against her hypocrisy.

I’m not picking on the woman or the men I’m stating the facts that we live in about of balance culture of matrix programming and nobody agrees with anyone anymore and it’s all because of lower self-programming and failing to love thyself because when this is achieved then the relationship is in a union based agreement and the man leads and the woman supports and everyone learns to form each other in harmony and there is no battle of the sexes because this is lower self bs and it’s the opposite of nature’s instinctual design for us and if we look back far enough in early human history back in the tropical forest we had men that led and woman that supported the mans chore values, morals, and principles, and the woman agreed with them because the essence of her heart was his heart and she also shared his mind as well so nobody felt “left out”

When your in agreement there is no conflict, and arguing and if there is your simply wrapped in the wed of a toxic relationship and not equally yoked and still have not found your soul partner, there will be challenges in life and no relationship is perfect but there are always solutions when you awake in your higher self and this is why through communication all conflicts become worked out and resolved.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ? https://www.facebook.com/mangotarian/services/

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First published: 5 years ago
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