You cannot truly benefit from the fruit until you remove the obstructions from the body

You cannot truly benefit from the fruit until you remove the obstructions from the body

The human body in today’s world is so incredibly toxic. We cannot even go on and experience the benefits of eating healthy foods, until we remove the obstructions in the body that cause systemic acidosis. The toxemia, mucus, protein plaques, sulfur, fungus, drug deposits, puss, parasites and worms, and the list goes on in regards to the hardened plaques and terrain that is stagnant and corrosive in the human body. The body becomes so highly inflamed with acid, and clogged and blocked up with mucus, it’s very difficult to benefit from a healthy diet, until the human body starts to empty the sewage that obstructs it.

When coming off a stimulating diet, that’s very mucus forming, the body is going to want to start to heal itself. The body doesn’t start to heal itself, when we simply just add on the healthy food, it’s the opposite, it’s when we remove the damage causing foods, that create obstructions blocking the flow of energy, is when the body will then go on to start and heal.

In these beginning phases of cleansing and healing, you may actually feel a lot better, because the body is starting to hydrate, and it’s removing some of the inflammatory markers, because you have given it a rest from the mucus and acid forming foods, But then all of a sudden a month or two later as your on a diet that promotes cleansing and detoxification, you will experience negative symptoms, these are not symptoms that are created by the food, but rather because these obstructions are being loosened up, and are trying to be eliminated from the body.

You will feel a blowback during the elimination stages, and this is why we call it detoxification. A mucusless diet promotes detoxification. When the body goes through the process of detoxification its going to create unpleasant symptoms while the body starts to heal. If we are not ready for this, and have an unrealistic expectation of experiencing benefits after 3 to 7 weeks of eating raw or muculess, we are highly mistaken, and you should really do your research in-depth, before you step into these higher levels of healing, and allow the body to detoxify at a very high level.

You cannot go on an experience the benefits of being on an all-fruit diet until you get through the detoxification stages. Limiting your diet to all fruit will promote detoxification at the highest level possible when it comes to consumption of foods.

Fruit is very astringent, and is very fast acting when it comes to pulling out obstructions that block the flow of energy. We can’t fool ourselves into thinking that we’re going to feel amazing during these detoxification stages. We must realize the damage that we have caused to our bodies from high protein diets, eating extremely high heated processed foods, foods with additives, preservatives, flavor enhanced chemicals, food dyes, and other foreign pathogenic food we create in a lab these days, in this crazy time we live in.

If you have been on prescription drugs, or have abused drugs, and haved stored up these drug deposits in your system, these drug deposits get into your bone marrow, and its going to take some serious time of detoxification, to remove these obstructions, so that you could have a better system that absorbs the nutrition that’s found in the fruits, tender leafy vegetables and herbs.

You must also understand the damage that you have caused to the endocrine glands, when these glands have been compromised by heavy chemicals and toxemia, and acids have been chewing on them for many years, it’s going to take time for them to heal and recover, without artificially stimulating them to function a certain way. When you stop artificially stimulating the endocrine glands, they will drop down to their genetic state of weakness. When you discover the true state of the endocrine gland function such as the thyroid and adrenal glands, you will most likely experience extreme fatigue, weakness, and other symptoms related to compromised and poor function.

This is not permanent damage, but rather just a process that must be fixed through long-term detoxification. You must mentally pull yourself through the doubts, and do your best to educate yourself on detoxification, and what it takes to endure through the process, and understand what the body goes through when it starts to eliminate these very corrosive obstructions.

When you see these corrosive obstructions in your bowel movements, through your urine, through your lungs, through your sinuses, and through your skin, you will then go on to understand your starting to dig deep within the body pulling out the terrain, that has been creating your symptoms and health issues that you have been suffering with. All the symptoms relating to poor health are due to these locked in obstructions in the body. By using the tools that nature has provided such as fasting, and removing the mucus forming, and acid ash foods that create the problems the first place, and give it some serious time and effort you will not regret the decision and time, when you see the many benefits arrive as you pull through the detoxification stages.

Detoxification is not laying in a bed of roses, and smelling the fresh tropical air, while you drink on your tropical fresh pina colada made from whole organic Juicy Fruit!

Don’t get your hopes up thinking that in a couple weeks your going to reverse problems with the hell that you have created over a lifetime of abuse.

Again this is not a short-term “program” this is a dedicated lifestyle change. Without the right mindset, and without understanding what the process entails, you may fall off the path of healing, and go back to the stimulating foods, tricking you into thinking that you feel better, but their really just acting as drugs suppressing symptoms. Later down the road will create another blowback, that will damage your health, and make you regret your lack of faith.

Here, then, is the cause why so many “fasting.”fruit diet Etc., “cures” fail the inexperienced Layman always comes to the death point. In other words he removes “O” too rapidly, too much at once and feels “fine” for a while, the dissolving process goes deeper- “O” increases he feels terribly weak, falls back on wrong diet, and through this wrong diet stops the elimination of more obstructions, feels well again, blames the good food for his weakness and sees the wrong food as the food of vital efficiency. He loses his faith and tells you in all sincerity, “I have tried it, but it’s wrong”. She blames the system, entirely ignorant regarding it, when he alone is to blame. Here is the stumbling block even of other diet experts and naturopaths experimenting and dietetics. Lesson 7 will divulge the secret.

Some have had more experiences, but very few think as I do that Vitality, energy and strength is not derived from the food at all! They believe it is acquired through sleep, Etc. But I have learned and what I know through years of experimenting, fasting and diet, and what I have actually demonstrated can be found in my book, rational fasting but briefly stated it is this first- Vitality does not depend primarily in directly upon food, but rather from the facts of how far and how much that function of the human engine is obstructed “clogged up” by the obstructions of toximia and mucus. Mucusless Diet Healing System by Arnold Ehret (Page 59)

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Last updated: 5 years ago
Views: 402
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