You don’t have to force yourself to be 100% raw forever

You don’t have to force yourself to be 100% raw forever

It’s vital for detox to clean out the debris in the body that causes inflammation (acidosis) and a fruit diet is the best tool for cleansing without question. Vegetables in large amounts are hard on the digestive tract along with nuts and seeds so this is why a “raw food diet” is not necessary a healing diet.

I know raw vegans that have damaged there colon and appendix on a diet heavy in nuts, seeds and vegetables so this is why “raw is not law”. So if you don’t plan on being a purest fruitarian like I was for 3 years then you might want to incorporate some soft cooked foods in your diet like white rice, tubers, pumpkin, and vegetable broths without oil in the diet. Fruit all day and cooked for dinner. Also, stop eating like a bird! The primates don’t do that. Humans should eat like adults not little children this can cause eating disorders and another reason why the vegan community gets picked on because of vegans with eating disorders.

After months of detoxing in a catabolic state and the body is tapping out and failing to rebuild itself, in my opinion, I don’t think it’s best to burden the kidneys and bowels with nuts and seeds which are hard to digest and high in phytic acids. Trying to rebuild on herbivore foods such as greens high in calcium and oxalate I wouldn’t recommend as well as green juices or salads.

Find a balance of fruit and cooked soft foods that are easier to digest then veggies in my opinions such as tubers and possibly white rice if you can tolerate a grain. Always find a food source that is best for you. I personally do fine with white rice, dal and tubers. White rice is a staple in Asia and I’ve never heard story’s of white rice causing health problems for Asians in Asia that use it as a staple. Whole grains are hard to digest and the husk is high in phytic acids. You will get more from white rice then you will from brown rice or wild rice.

If you are failing to maintain a proper weight and proper muscular composition on a fruitarian diet then make a change it’s that simple. Don’t make your diet a religion and don’t make 100% raw a religion because your body may not like heavy salads with tons of fats from avocados, seeds and nut spreads and that’s what most people do to be “100% raw” because they are scared of cooked food from detoxing on fruit for so long.

I get it I was to and I’ve preached raw is law for 4 years as I healed on fruit, herbs, and fasting but I quickly realized that the fruit is often unripe, sprayed with chemicals and hard to maintain enough fuel from nutrient-dense fruit to be satiated and this is why you so often eat and eat and eat and are never satisfied.

We are in a fight to get quality food and this is why I encourage transitioning to the tropics and if you can buy a house there and grow your own food. Grocery store fruit whether that’s “organic” or conventional is low quality let’s be honest here. It may do the trick to help you clean out the lymph system and rid the body of neurotoxins but most people eventually plateau because their body is failing to get enough nutrition from these Frankenstein grocery store fruits and vegetables (hybrid) and the body is screaming for more and this is why you struggle to maintain energy and strength LONG TERM. You will feel great short term and feel so alive and spiritually connected but the body does need Inadequate amount of nutrition for Long-term health benefits and this is why I think fruit alone in today’s world is not enough to maintain vitality long term and like I said it makes no sense to burden the body with raw vegetables and nuts and seeds because these foods are so hard to digest and this is why you are full of gas and your gut is full of fermentation.

Fruit for healing and fruit for detoxification! Herbs are effective and fasting is beneficial on any diet but please don’t create an eating disorder when your body is telling you it’s time to rebuild. Yes, you will feel sick and have detox symptoms you can’t avoid that. I’m talking about those that have at least put in 6 months to a couple years on the diet and there body is becoming depleted of vitamins and minerals because the fruit is not going to give you everything you need long term if your fruit is coming from supermarkets and especially if the fruit is sprayed with chemicals this will damage the gut and deplete essential microbiome and how can you absorb nutrition now when the gut is being damaged by cancer-causing glyphosate!?

Transition to a fruit diet and detoxify the body and then rebuild if your body is asking for more nutrition and if some cooked foods will provide the body with some more minerals, amino acids and nutrition you may not be getting from the fruit then let go of the ego and the dogma and listen to your body.

If you are on year 5-10 on 100% raw and you are thriving I’m happy for you but for the numbers that do not find your balance and don’t ignore the rebuilding phase because I now believe that malnutrition is a real thing regardless of how “clean” and “alkaline” your body becomes.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 4 years ago
Views: 472
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