You don't need to go on an all fruit raw food diet for detox unless it's life threatening

You don't need to go on an all fruit raw food diet for detox unless it's life threatening

It’s very important if you want to clean and prepare your body to remove cooked food from your diet. When it comes to regenerative detoxification100% raw is vital and important to create healing and moving the lymphatic system to empty the sewage tank for elimination. You need the power of the fruits to create movement and accelerate detox. However if you don’t have serious neurological conditions, or high stage cancers, or a life threatening conditions, you don’t have to go on a diet of 100% fruit in order to heal yourself and create an effective detox. In my opinion 80% fruit, and 20% vegetables is a perfect balance as a lifestyle to heal your body. The number one importance to follow when entering into a raw food diet and detoxification is to get your kidneys to filter, because if they don’t filter the lymphatic system, you cannot remove the acids that are breaking down tissue causing your health condition. You may need to do 100% fruit, use the herbs, and even dry fast to crack open the kidneys so you could filter out the metabolic waste. But after at least 3 to 6 months on all fruit, with consistent daily kidney filtration, you could easily balance out with a tender leafy green salad for dinner not only to help the body to continue to heal but also for mental balance and stability.

There is a dogma going around stating that you must be on a 100% fruit based diet in order to heal yourself, but if you have strong genes and constitution, and you’re not dealing with a life-threatening condition of your health, this is not true. However in my personal opinion, humans are frugivores and designed predominantly for fruits because vegetable matter is not easily digestible for the human digestive tract, but also leafy green vegetables are not going to harm the human body, and could help compensate for the lack of fruit, and quality of fruit and a majority of climates around the world. It is true the fruit is just not the same quality in the world today, and neither are the vegetables, but we must find a balance in order to continue on this lifestyle long-term to keep it sustainable.

Fruits are extremely aggressive and limiting your diet to just fruits with a toxic body can be very aggressive not only on the physical body but also on the physical mind. There is no doubt that fruits aggressively detox the body much more rapidly than vegetables, and because of the damages that humans have caused to their bodies, will experience rapid detox, such as aches and pains and often feel weak and fatigued until the body cleans itself out, and this could be a long time for the average human to be able to patiently endure through. You must find your balance if you’re not prepared for the aggressive detox fruits encourage, and this is why I don’t recommend people jump into an all-fruit diet unless they understand that they will probably feel worse for a while, before they feel better. If you don’t have a life-threatening condition, then I highly recommend having a salad for dinner so that you could detox at a moderate level so that you could have that mental balance and not lose the strength with rapid detox that a fruit diet will produce. Most people that come from athletic backgrounds, also are dealing with the ego of the physical body and don’t want to lose strength, but detoxification is not about building strength, it’s about breaking down damaged tissue so that the body can build the way that nature intended for the body to be built.

A 100% fruit based diet should be earned, and you must do your research before jumping into it. You must understand that we do have on record that human beings predominantly ate an all fruit diet in the very beginning of history and what we have on record. But there was some leafy green vegetables, some roots and herbs that were also eaten by humans, so a frugivore diet does not need to be rigid, and 100% fruit based if your trying to get back to your biological diet and become more compatible with nature.

80% fruit and 20% tender leafy greens and veggie fruits is optimal for health and vitality.

If you have a neurological condition, you need the high-energy angstroms fruits produce to enhance the nervous system, so an all-fruit diet would make sense in your case, this doesn’t mean you can’t balance out with vegetables down the road, but if you truly want to regenerate your nervous system, you need the fruits to encourage this process. Veggies just do not have the electromagnetic energy to enhance neurons and regenerate the nervous system.

If you have cancer all throughout your body, then I highly encourage fruits and herbs only because you need to detox aggressively, and an all-fruit diet is going to be the most aggressive detox you can encourage to move your lymphatic system to get rid of the sewage waste backup that are frying and burning your cells. You don’t have the convenience to find your mental balance with vegetables, it’s not that vegetables are going to be detrimental to your condition, but they will slow down the body’s ability to rapidly heal on a level that you desperately need to heal. After you get rid of your cancer, or a life-threatening condition you may have, you could balance out in the future, but you absolutely need an all-fruit diet with herbs and fasting in my opinion if you want to aggressively get to the root of the problem which is stagnant systemic acidosis all throughout your body. If your kidneys aren’t filtering well on 100% raw food diet, then it’s most likely because you’re not on an all-fruit diet, and this is vital when it comes two cracking open the kidneys to eliminate your waste.

If you just have some candida, or inflammatory conditions, and you don’t have a life-threatening illness, don’t be rigid on an all fruit diet, especially if you can’t handle the aggressive detox nature it produces, I highly suggest having that salad for dinner every night, and use the dry fasting to encourage kidney filtration. Savory veggies can help a lot of people mentally, as well as create a moderate level of detox to where someone could sustain themselves, and not lose the strength that they desire to have because the body wants to break down and detoxify on all fruits. If you look at the frugivore primates in nature that eat virtually all fruit diets, they do not lose strength, or muscle mass and our anatomy is 97% identical to theirs. The problem is with humans is that we haven’t been eating our natural diet like they have their entire lives and that’s why we don’t benefit from an all fruit diet, because of our toxic bodies, but it’s not the fruits that are lacking amino acids or everything they need to build strength and muscle it’s the compromises that humans have created to their bodies and also the highest detoxification but an all-fruit diets produces that will breakdown all damages that were created before the body could rebuild on this type of diet.

I also think because of humans migrating away from the tropics into climates that have been industrialized and the soil that has been highly depleted of minerals, the quality of the fruit is lacking, and so is the vegetables, but a mixture of both could help compensate for that after you clean out your body with the fruits. I don’t believe that it’s the nutrition that creates the detox or is important when your trying to clean and repair your body anyways, but after you clean out the body with the fruits, and you want to gain that strength that you may be lacking on industrialized GMO fruits, a mixture of fruits and vegetables is what you may need if you desire to be a strength athlete, and have that robust energy that you may be lacking on very low quality fruit.

This is all subjective, because we must be the experiment in order to find are conclusive solution. Some people thrive on all fruit diets long-term, and some people do not, and these are people that don’t have life-threatening health conditions. We must know our balance and listen to our bodies Intuitively to find the solutions. Always do what you feel is best for you, but don’t think that you need to do a 100% fruit diet for the rest of your life in order to achieve optimal health, some people can sustain themselves doing this, and some people can’t, you must figure out what’s best for you, and as long as it’s a mucus free 100% raw food diet, this should be the goal for humans in today’s world, but to think that we live in the Garden of Eden and a bountiful fruit paradise, this is just not the case living in most parts of the world. If you can’t get quality fruit, then don’t have a dogmatic position to think that you must eat this low quality fruit and can’t have some veggies in the mix, this creates a dogmatic unhealthy mental balance in my opinion, because you must adapt to the world that you live in, and not have unrealistic expectations. Really the goal in my opinion should not be to obsess over foods and to implement fasting, because we live in such a toxic world that foods aren’t going to clean us out like the fasting can anyways, and we must fast and pray until the lord of the house returns.

If you can get yourself to a tropical environment that produces quality tree ripen fruit, then yes you could probably sustain yourself for decades without any veggies, but if you can’t, and fruits, green juices, and salads in the mix, I believe is important so that you could detox, but not rat yourself out with the aggression of detox, by limiting your diet to just fruits, and also find satisfaction with eating, because humans still have to eat 3 times a day coming off a standard American diets if they want to live this lifestyle long-term. My opinion the goal isn’t to obsess over a frugivore diet, but to find a long-term sustainable raw food diet that’s mainly fruits, but also having some salads as well. If you can afford to eat salads, and detox at a slower level, then I highly encourage it, but if you have a life-threatening condition, and suffering from neurological conditions, then I strongly suggest you stay on all fruits until you reach full regeneration and then balance out later.

The important thing to me is to get back to nature, get back to the diet your biologically designed to eat, which I believe is at least 80% fruit and 20% tender leafy vegetables and herbs, tap into your intuitive consciousness, let your instincts guide you, know when to hold and no one to fold, and learn to find your personal balance with healing and regeneration, and having a dogmatic position could set you back, especially if you’re not mentally balanced, and have the patience to endure the aggressive nature of a fruit detox for long periods of time.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 515
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