You may lose muscle on a raw food fruit-based diet

You may lose muscle on a raw food fruit-based diet

If you have a chronic health element, and you know you need to heal yourself then going to the fruits is your best option to create cleansing and detoxification of removing the obstructions that are causing the health issue. Fruits are highly electrical magnetic living foods that scrub and pull out obstructions from the body, in the process of removing acids your whole body must break down in an unremarkable way in order for it to build up the way that nature intended it to build up. When you create detoxification all your genetic weaknesses will expose themselves. Whether it’s your parathyroid gland that’s weak and you’re not utilizing calcium, you may experience calcium loss, whether it’s your adrenal glands that are responsible for all your steroids and hormones such as testosterone, will reveal its true genetic weakness, everything must breakdown in order for it to build back up. That’s just the way nature works when you stop stimulating your body like a steroid. The body doesn’t breakdown unless you allow that healing process to take place.

Cooked food suppress the body’s ability to start to heal itself, and that’s why people are able to gain artificial muscle and strength on proteins, but this is not the way that nature intended the human species to thrive. The human species is not a species design for protein, but rather a species design for fruits and the amino acids that are found in them. You don’t want to focus on building up because you have a fear of losing too much muscle, you want to allow nature to break down your body as much as it needs to, and nature will also build up your body when it’s done breaking it down. The problem is it’s not a slow process, it could take a couple years for the body to really break down in order for it to build up.

It’s very rare to find somebody that’s willing to allow their body to break down as much as it needs to break down before It could build up again, but if you submit to nature and allow detoxification to have its way, you will be able to build muscle and strength on the same diet that took it off, but if you don’t get your kidneys to filter lymphatic waste buildup up (acid stagnation) you may find yourself struggling even a decade on this type of diet because you didn’t learn the art and method to get your kidneys to filter the stagnant sewage that has been in your body your entire life. If you don’t remove the acids, you cannot properly rebuild your body.

It’s very interesting to see people struggling so hard to build muscle, because they didn’t properly detoxify themselves. This is why I strongly believe in herbal botanicals while you detoxify to help the body to regenerate and restore, as well as encourage kidney filtration. Some people are so toxic in their kidneys are so genetically weak, they need to also incorporate fasting in order to get their kidneys to filter. You don’t want to find yourself frustrated going back to cooked foods that are high in protein to build muscle, because you never got your kidneys to properly filter miles and miles of waste. Raw foods in general do not promise kidney filtration, they do allow the body to aid in healing and detoxification, but with really stubborn weak kidneys, you have to go the extra mile and fast, and use the herbs because of fruits and vegetables may not be enough to encourage this process to take place.

If your losing a lot of muscle on a fruit and vegetable based diet, you most likely have a parathyroid weakness and interstitial lymphatic malabsorption in the small intestine. The only way to remove the acid stagnation in the mucous plaques that are blocking absorption, you may have to get extremely skinny in order to remove the plaque build-up so that you can get proper absorption to build healthy muscle again. The only reason why you lost muscle on fruits and vegetables, it’s not because the fruits and vegetables lack the chemistry to build muscle, a matter of fact they have the most bio-available amino acids in order to build muscle because that’s what The body needs to build muscle. it’s not protein structures, its amino acid structures. But when your body wants to detoxify and work on removing obstructions from the body, it’s not going to want to build muscle, it will take off the muscle you have, because the muscle that you built on proteins, is not real muscle, it’s pretty much artificial muscle based around stimulants.

If you properly clean out your body, you can rebuild on green juice, alfalfa, and some of your high calorie fruits. There’s no reason to lose strength on fruits and vegetables, so we can’t blame the food, you just have to understand that when you only eat raw living foods coming from a diet of eating cooked food that suppresses the body’s ability to heal and focus on repairing, then it’s your body that’s trying to fix itself not the food itself. Consider all the plant-based species in nature including the primates that are designed for mainly fruits but also eat some vegetables like the great apes, they are very muscle-bound and strong and don’t have any issue with strength, and all they eat is fruits and vegetables, and their anatomy and physiology it’s almost identical to humans. The reason why they don’t lose muscle is because they don’t suffer with interstitial lymphatic constipation like humans do, because humans are eating foods created in labs and extremely toxicity to their bodies. It’s amazing that we can’t build muscle on the very food that should be building the most muscle, so if all the other species are able to build muscle on whole raw plant foods, then so should humans.

There are some people that have struggled with parathyroid weakness and malabsorption, and were able to reverse it by getting the acids out of the lymphatic system so that the body can rebuild on these foods. If you fix digestion, absorption, utilization, and eliminate your waste then eventually the body will rebuild itself on the very foods that took it off. I am in the process of this myself, and have lost a lot of muscle, but I know that once I clean my body out well enough, my body will be able to rebuild muscle by itself in a matter of time, and I hope to prove this to the world that you can rebuild on the very diet that took off the muscle, because we need more people to be the experiment and trust the process so that we could bring awareness to the fact that it’s not the food that’s causing these issues, but it’s our body trying to heal itself. We need to be thankful that the raw living foods do allow the body to clean and detoxify and repair and regenerate, and just allow your car to be in the shop for a season and not worry about muscle and vanity, it’s far better to heal yourself then to build muscle on acidic proteins and find yourself on dialysis with damaged kidneys, or a damaged colon.

You just must understand that the human body doesn’t need proteins found in beans, grains, or animal protein, you could build muscle on amino acids found in fruits and vegetables, it’s just humans are so toxic and damaged, it may take a while to gain the success, because detoxification is not a couple months it could take several years, but if you know how to detoxify your body properly by getting the acids out through kidney filtration, then it could be much shorter of a process than decades, if you do things correctly.

It’s the very limited diet of fruits, berries and melons that your going to need to encourage the body to filter these lymphatic waste from the lymphatic system, and it’s also the very diet that will cause you to lose the most muscle temporarily. Trust the process, and be a soldier, and give up the muscle for a season, because you will be able to get it back if you do things diligently.

The End

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friends you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you are interested in my iridology services or phone consultations regarding regenerative detoxification please send me a private message or shoot me an email I can discuss with you with what Im offering to assist you! ?

Detoxification and Spirituality with the mangotarian:

Detoxification A New Paradigm for Health:

The Mangotarian @ YouTube:

First published: 6 years ago
Views: 443
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