Blog posts by Mangotarian

Gingivitis is it really a gum “disease”?

Gingivitis is it really a gum “disease”?

You must understand the simplicity of cause and effect when it comes to inflammation. Replace inflammation or disease with the word acidosis, because any itis related condition, and label your given...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Why you feel weak when you stop eating animal foods?

Why you feel weak when you stop eating animal foods?

For one when you eliminate toxic foods from your diet you will go through the process of detoxification and physical withdrawal, and even more so with animal products. The reason why you feel weak and...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Pre work-out supplements will destroy your kidneys and adrenal glands

Pre work-out supplements will destroy your kidneys and adrenal glands

The human body is designed to get the energetics from the Whole Foods to fuel the body. We need simple sugars from fruit to activate atp, and to fuel our cells for activity no question, but do we...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
“Cooked food addiction” is an illusion! It’s more like junk food addiction you struggle with!

“Cooked food addiction” is an illusion! It’s more like junk food addiction you struggle with!

Raw food or cooked foods it doesn’t matter because you can make them both unhealthy in my opinion. Just because something is raw doesn’t mean it’s healthy, and sorry but a raw food cheese cake...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
It's very difficult to heal effectively when just focusing on the physical

It's very difficult to heal effectively when just focusing on the physical

We are obviously a society that has been trained to focus on symptoms, and try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Symptoms are just a byproduct. Acidosis is not just a physical situation. The...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Waiting on “science” to change your diet and lifestyle?

Waiting on “science” to change your diet and lifestyle?

There are some people that need pre reviewed double blinded studies to make changes with their diet! I don’t think we need science when we have common sense and intuition. If something is natural...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Testosterone therapy will shut down your adrenal glands

Testosterone therapy will shut down your adrenal glands

As men age their testosterone starts to decline I get this, however you must understand the function of the body if you want to keep it healthy long term. TRT is not the answer to your problem with...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
You shouldn’t need supplements on optimal diet

You shouldn’t need supplements on optimal diet

There are “health experts” that are saying that you need supplements even on a vegan diet or raw vegan diet!? They are talking about the many benefits of eating fully plant based, however taking...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Dry fasting is more healing then fruit, herbs and water fasting

Dry fasting is more healing then fruit, herbs and water fasting

Most people don’t understand dry fasting because they are still very clogged up, and dehydrated on an interstitial level. Also when a person lacks Neurotransmitters they can become very fatigued...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Humans civilizations that live the longest eat plants not animals

Humans civilizations that live the longest eat plants not animals

If you really do your homework on what humans actually ate from the Paleolithic area to the are of farming and agriculture, every thriving civilization from the beginning of time got the bulk and...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Seafood is a chemical toxin to the body

Seafood is a chemical toxin to the body

Humans being land “animals” are obsessed with eating animals from the sea. Humans should not eat any animals for one, because we have zero biological need, and have nothing to resemble a...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
There is no "miracle" diet when you damaged your body

There is no "miracle" diet when you damaged your body

There is no miracle foods or diets that will heal all your problems and make them go away in a couple weeks, to a couple months. This whole concept build around food for healing is much better then...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago