Blog posts

Biggest reason you cannot heal effectively is because you worry too much

Biggest reason you cannot heal effectively is because you worry too much

Food is way to focused on in the natural hygiene and natural healing world. Thinking about food is the main reason your in the mess your in. Depending on the food your eating you can ether be a...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Lymph swelling from detox, coming off a SAD diet!? (Failure to transition)

Lymph swelling from detox, coming off a SAD diet!? (Failure to transition)

So why would your body swell on a raw food diet high in fruit? Your eating healthy right? You must understand that dead food does not promote healing and regenerative detoxification! And a sad diet is...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
What causes gas, candida, bloating, and burping!?

What causes gas, candida, bloating, and burping!?

It’s very apparent that we as humans have created a habit of eating too much, and eating complicated recipes. The more simple you eat, the less symptoms you will experience when It comes to gas,...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
To strengthen the immune system is to clean out the lymphatic system

To strengthen the immune system is to clean out the lymphatic system

Often people think that strengthening the immune system is to take specific vitamins, minerals, herbs, and nutrient-dense foods and this does help without question but you must understand what causes...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Stinking thinking!

Stinking thinking!

You will have to face your mind, and go to war with its weakness when you have become awakened and Consciousness takes place. For those of you that are getting healthy and pursuing a life abstaining...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
Don’t focus on the word cure or treat - Focus on elimination

Don’t focus on the word cure or treat - Focus on elimination

Treating is a concept that encourages dealing with symptoms because you can’t treat a cause to an effect you can only eliminate the cause to the effect because it’s not “disease” its acids and...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
The road to regeneration

The road to regeneration

Stay on the path and when you find the truth and you find confidence on the path to wellness and you honor the laws of nature and come to understand cause and effect when you step outside the bounds...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
When your sewer system backs up every room in your house gets damaged

When your sewer system backs up every room in your house gets damaged

If you have an issue in your body you must understand that you are dealing with systemic problems from head to toe. You don’t just have a “thyroid” problem because let’s say you do understand...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Wasting money on the most “advanced” medical doctors?

Wasting money on the most “advanced” medical doctors?

Your health is declining and you want answers! You are willing to pay whatever it takes to get better and you heard of doctor joe shmo who is going to fix you right?
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Overcome drug and alcohol addiction on a fruit based raw food diet

Overcome drug and alcohol addiction on a fruit based raw food diet

Coming from a past of doing drugs and drinking alcohol, I understand the struggle, and the mental and physical addiction that comes with drug and alcohol abuse. Nobody ever told me that changing my...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Decades of health damage can take years of recovery

Decades of health damage can take years of recovery

Think about all the toxic chemistry you have been shoveling in your body and the toxic chemistry your parents might have been feeding you in the mother’s womb, from infancy, and all throughout your...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Cooked foods are not satiating

Cooked foods are not satiating

You do not become satiated with cooked foods. Cooked foods create a numbing effect. Cooked foods sedate, stimulate and cause overeating patterns. Real satiation doesn’t cause overeating. Notice...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago