Blog posts

From the western diet to an all fruit diet overnight “because you need to heal”

From the western diet to an all fruit diet overnight “because you need to heal”

This is the biggest mistake for anyone in my opinion whether your motivation is to heal, or just because you want to adopt this lifestyle to become healthier. A transition is so overlooked, and this...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
If your looking for something else for detox other then a fruit diet, and herbal botanicals, your trying to treat symptoms!

If your looking for something else for detox other then a fruit diet, and herbal botanicals, your trying to treat symptoms!

Keep it simple when it comes to detoxification, and you will not be overwhelmed. This culture in the world today makes everything so complex, and we wonder why humans adrenal glands are smashed, and...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
What to do when you fall of an optimal diet and are having trouble getting back on track

What to do when you fall of an optimal diet and are having trouble getting back on track

It happens to the best of us. You keep the diet clean, and you honor your body and you feel good and know your on the path of regenerating your body, and you cave and feed the cravings, or the demons...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Stop blaming your problems on a raw living foods diet that promotes detox, and understand the (CULTURING MEDIUM) is the problem

Stop blaming your problems on a raw living foods diet that promotes detox, and understand the (CULTURING MEDIUM) is the problem

If your starting to feel worse on a living foods diet coming off of an acid/ mucus forming diet, which are foods that are not designed for the homosapien, which are dead foods that must be cooked in...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
"INFECTIONS" is just stagnant sewage in the body

"INFECTIONS" is just stagnant sewage in the body

Whenever you use the word infection or correlate something wrong in your body you must understand the simplicity of what infection really is. Infection is just culturing medium, which means stagnant...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Cooking food creates a cationic, and acid environment in the body

Cooking food creates a cationic, and acid environment in the body

When you cook you bond chemistry, which means you create an acidic compounds, which in return create a cationic environment, which means acids become dominate and stagnant in the body, which also in...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Dry skin?

Dry skin?

Why would the skin dry and crack? What is the skin, and does it play a role with detoxification? These are questions that are important to understand so that you can go after the cause, instead of...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
If your on your last leg a tropical diet could be your saving grace

If your on your last leg a tropical diet could be your saving grace

You must understand that your health is failing you not because you have bad luck. It’s not understanding what your putting in your mouth and putting on your skin is chemistry, and chemistry effects...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
You don’t have to force yourself to be 100% raw forever

You don’t have to force yourself to be 100% raw forever

It’s vital for detox to clean out the debris in the body that causes inflammation (acidosis) and a fruit diet is the best tool for cleansing without question. Vegetables in large amounts are hard on...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
The body will rebuild itself

The body will rebuild itself

Don’t be afraid of getting crazy skinny on a diet of just fruit. In this photo I was 100lbs and I’m 5’10 in height. I lived at this weight for almost 2 years to heal myself naturally through the...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Observing my left iris before and after pics from 2016-2018

Observing my left iris before and after pics from 2016-2018

This was 2 years ago in the thick of my detox on an all-fruit diet with herbs and intermittent fasting. It’s not the best image comparison but an iridologist can see clearly significant changes...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
You have to understand that as vital it is to consume it’s as vital to eliminate waste

You have to understand that as vital it is to consume it’s as vital to eliminate waste

Most people that get sick get sick in their gluttony. People are dying on their sewage waste, not on a mysterious disease. Check it out dis-ease has a cause to the effect. What would create a lack of...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago