Blog posts

Don’t focus on the word cure or treat - Focus on elimination

Don’t focus on the word cure or treat - Focus on elimination

Treating is a concept that encourages dealing with symptoms because you can’t treat a cause to an effect you can only eliminate the cause to the effect because it’s not “disease” its acids and...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
How to avoid bloat on a raw food diet

How to avoid bloat on a raw food diet

The raw food diet most compatible with the human design without question is a fruit diet because humans are frugivores and this has been my research and common sense when I look to nature and nobody...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
The adrenal glands control vital functions in the body

The adrenal glands control vital functions in the body

Those little acorn-shaped glands that sit on the kidneys control so many functions in the body and I’ll just name a few. Before I state the main purpose of the adrenal glands and why they are so...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Dehydration is caused by cooked foods and not eliminating sewage out of the body

Dehydration is caused by cooked foods and not eliminating sewage out of the body

If you eat dead food that’s cool, I do once in a while but I want to make it clear that cooked food is not healing to the body in any way. Dead food lacks the magnetics to move lymph and if you...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 7 years ago
Stop treating the effect and go after the cause

Stop treating the effect and go after the cause

Society has been conditioned to treat and mask symptoms, and very few people and even so-called health professionals understand the causative factors to why the condition developed in the first place.
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
The less you eat the better you sleep

The less you eat the better you sleep

Now I’m not a promoter of starving yourself and I believe that there are more beneficial ways to heal when it comes to eating and for lifestyle, you find your balance when it comes to what your body...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Cipro an antibiotic drug that (“could”) kill you!

Cipro an antibiotic drug that (“could”) kill you!

First thing you must understand about these deadly drugs, is that most people’s problems are not related to bacterium. 95% of the time, the main contributing factor is all lymphatic system related.
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
The fruit diet doesn’t make you skinny detoxification is doing that

The fruit diet doesn’t make you skinny detoxification is doing that

You must understand that yes you are eating food when you are on a fruit diet hahaha and you might be smashing fruit all day and eating tons of berries which happen to be the most nutritious foods on...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
What a fruit diet can do that a meat diet can’t do

What a fruit diet can do that a meat diet can’t do

To avoid the confusion about fruit being healthy and all the excuses built into why “it’s not” let’s look at the common sense of this, and observe what fruit can do and what meat can’t do....
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Parasites hate fruit so why avoid them to get rid of parasites?

Parasites hate fruit so why avoid them to get rid of parasites?

Unfortunately, there is a lot of silly talk regarding fruit feeding candida and parasites, because of the “sugars content”.
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
What causes snoring?

What causes snoring?

Your nasal pathway and sinuses are full of mucus and this is why you snore its that simple. Clear out the mucus and your snoring problem will no longer be a problem.
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
Why does the body hold onto water (water retention)

Why does the body hold onto water (water retention)

When you are holding onto excess water weight this is a clear sign your body is acidic and your kidneys are not filtering well.
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago