Blog posts

You never want to “treat” and reduce a fever

You never want to “treat” and reduce a fever

When you get a fever and the body creates an immune response, it’s trying to expectorate, and eliminate waste out of the body, whether that’s a viral (foreign protein) bacterium, neurotoxin,...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Mean spirited, purest judgemental fruitarians?

Mean spirited, purest judgemental fruitarians?

It's unfortunate that I have felt led to write this article addressing the ridiculousness of a lot of fruitarians I come acrossed on social media! I can't understand how somebody can go from eating...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
What are tumors and why do you get them?

What are tumors and why do you get them?

A tumor is a pocket of fluid, basically a pocket of stagnant acid fluid that is building up in specific tissues of the body. This happens due to stagnation of acid fluid that is not circulating out of...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Protein and nutrition does not equal internal health

Protein and nutrition does not equal internal health

Nature is simplistic, and the humans that inhabit the earth, have unfortunately walked away from simplicity. Humanity started focusing on protein and nutrition, and look around, is anyone gaining...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Asking for help but do not want to change your diet?

Asking for help but do not want to change your diet?

If you are sick or have a serious health condition and refuse to change your consciousness, then there is no hope for you to heal yourself. There is no such thing as a quick fix solution when you have...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
Sulfates damaging effects on the human body

Sulfates damaging effects on the human body

Better name for sulfates would be gorilla glue! This substance that’s in pharma drugs, processed foods, certain spices, and supplements sticks to the body, and creates a breeding ground for candida...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
You don’t want to eat acidic proteins with a parathyroid weakness

You don’t want to eat acidic proteins with a parathyroid weakness

You don’t want to make proteins a priority at all actually. But if you have a parathyroid weakness, this means you're not utilizing calcium effectively, and if you're already not producing...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
What you don’t eat is most important!

What you don’t eat is most important!

It’s what you don’t eat that is important if you desire to be healthy. We live in a culture of consumerism, and the same thing goes for “dieting” and trying to get healthy, and changing bad...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
What foods are the best for healing and lifestyle

What foods are the best for healing and lifestyle

The number one thing we must do if our focus is healing and lifestyle regarding the food is to remove cooked food from your diet. Cooked food does not have the enzymes, biophotons, and electromagnetic...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
Iridology notes: possible set up for MS and other neurological conditions

Iridology notes: possible set up for MS and other neurological conditions

You can look at your eyes, to understand your symptoms, and the state of your lymphatic system, functions regarding your endocrine glands, organs and nervous system and the like.
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
5 major factors that contribute to candida overgrowths in the body

5 major factors that contribute to candida overgrowths in the body

Most people are very confused about candida, and simply just wrapped up in the mind regarding how this overgrowth is caused. For one candida is naturally present in the body, and this fungus is only...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
What can cause heart murmurs?

What can cause heart murmurs?

(You must regenerate blood, nerve, and lymph)
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago