Blog posts

Don’t be afraid of detoxification

Don’t be afraid of detoxification

You will hear misleading things online and on YouTube regarding detoxification as it pertains to regenerative healing and it’s all simply because the cause to why the body degenerates is...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago
The foundation is essential, but detoxification is very personal

The foundation is essential, but detoxification is very personal

There must be a fundamental foundation regarding the essentials of how to get the body well and properly detoxify it. The essential method you want to create in order to remove stagnancy of toxicity...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
Head congestion

Head congestion

If your experiencing negative head symptoms during detox, this is an indicator of how toxic your bowels are in. Also when your expressing uncomfortable symptoms in your head you are backed up from...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
Educate yourself on fasting and detoxification before jumping all in

Educate yourself on fasting and detoxification before jumping all in

Detoxification hands down is important in today's world, because of the state of humans lymphatic systems, human beings have created a habit of eating predominantly acid forming foods, as well as...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
Excessive fatigue and exhaustion during detoxification

Excessive fatigue and exhaustion during detoxification

When you start to clean out the body from obstructions, and metabolic wastes that have been stored and stagnant in the lymphatic system, for your whole life, and having weak kidneys, adrenal glands,...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
Nutrition is not important for detoxification, however it may be in the long run

Nutrition is not important for detoxification, however it may be in the long run

I remember growing up and thankfully my mom fed me lots of fruit especially in the spring and summer time, and I always remember having fruit in the kitchen that was ripe and always sweet, and just...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
Asking for help but do not want to change your diet?

Asking for help but do not want to change your diet?

If you are sick or have a serious health condition and refuse to change your consciousness, then there is no hope for you to heal yourself. There is no such thing as a quick fix solution when you have...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
It's hard to believe you can't find your Wellness on fruits, herbs and dry fasting only

It's hard to believe you can't find your Wellness on fruits, herbs and dry fasting only

When you go on a diet that promotes the most aggressive detoxification such as mono fruit meals, herbs to support the glands, organs, and lymphatic system along with daily intermittent dry fasting for...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 6 years ago
Glad your vegan, but raw mucusless vegan is for your health

Glad your vegan, but raw mucusless vegan is for your health

I’m not the raw vegan that is all about judging, and pointing my finger at the junk food vegan eaters but It’s important to know that not all foods are created equal, and just because it’s vegan...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Regenerative detoxification does not include cooked food

Regenerative detoxification does not include cooked food

It's important to understand what regenerative detoxification is and what it entails. You must understand that you cannot regenerate a damaged body with cooked food. Cooked food does not have the...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 5 years ago
Detoxification is nature’s simplicity

Detoxification is nature’s simplicity

The human diet is simple and every animal on this earth's diet is simple. If you want to detoxify the body Thoroughly then you will learn that the more simple your diet is and the more you become in...
Mangotarian by Jon Stearns, 4 years ago